Capture Every Learning, Leverage Every Opportunity

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2018

I think we can all agree that the world is becoming more flexible in its educational offerings. With the rise of MOOCs (mass online open courses), VET in schools, web supplementation, Open University, and blended learning, it’s becoming apparent that the student of tomorrow’s world will probably gain their education through a range of channels, instead of following traditional paths.

But with education becoming compartmentalised and available from so many places, how will tomorrow’s student make sense of their learning?

Showcasing a degree or a diploma from a traditional organisation sounds easy enough. But how do you capture that as well as the 12-part free course you did on programming, the conference you attended on computer science last year, plus the leadership PD session in your office?


Already there are a few solutions on the market: Mahara, PebblePad, Degreed, and even LinkedIn. Platforms like Degreed give you access to learning material from sources like Codecademy, Duolingo, YouTube, and The New York Times so that you can curate your own learning goals and experiences. PebblePad focuses on showcasing and making sense of education and presenting it in a portfolio to sell yourself to employers and clients.

It’s becoming clear that the idea of a personal eportfolio will benefit not only students but also those already decades deep in their career.‍

Traditional and Non-Traditional Channels

For a lot of students, their learning is supplemented with micro-courses and non-traditional education. ePortfolios give them a chance to reflect on their learnings by having all their knowledge captured in the one place. The focus this brings can allow them to reassess their goals — plus, the compilation of multidisciplinary, multi-accredited content is the perfect showcase for employers and educational institutions.‍

Professional Development

I’m sure we can all see the benefit of professional development. But as this is something that often occurs through your job, it can be hard to showcase activities which aren’t accredited. By using an eportfolio, it’s easier to reflect on years’ worth of learnings, and showcase this to new employers when you move companies.

Gone are the days where you hand a 2-page resume to a receptionist behind a desk. With a growing diversity of multimedia skills, it’s essential to be able to share them where paper can’t.

If you haven’t already, check out Degreed and PebblePad. Think about how you could bring harmony to your experiences, and ensure you never miss an opportunity to showcase a skill you learned, or knowledge you’ve acquired.

