Letter from the Editor

Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2017

To our dear readers,

Thank you for joining us for our second edition of VET eXpress, the new monthly newsletter on all things VET in Australia and abroad!

This month, we’re looking at how RTOs can optimise their online profiles and better connect with millions of prospective students from all around the globe. I remember when I started VM Learning back in 1989, the word ‘Internet’ was just a mysterious term whispered by computer students. We’ve come a long, long way since then, but it’s important that we always keep ahead of the technological trends.

That’s why, this month, we have a must-read interview with digital marketing specialist, Adam Cunningham, who candidly discusses the marketing strategies RTOs should employ to grow in 2017. We also chart the rise of Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO, for short) and consider where marketing technologies might be headed in the coming years. In our monthly EduTech column, we speculate on the exciting accreditation technology known as ‘Open Microcredentials’, set to revolutionise how students gain competency in the not-too-distant future. And finally, we set out seven hot tips for how RTOs can streamline their home page to guarantee more clicks from prospective students.

It’s exciting to be part of an industry so dedicated to delivering first-rate training in ever more innovative ways. We hope you enjoy this edition.


Julie Verner-Mackay

Founding Director, VM Learning / aXcelerate




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