Letter from the Editor

Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2017

It’s hard to believe it’s mid-April already! And already our third edition of VET eXpress, our exclusive newsletter dedicated to all things VET and RTO in Australia. Just where does the time go?

Speaking of time, this month we’re delving into the future. The 21st century is set to deliver some big technological shake-ups to the way we teach, train and learn. That’s why we’re running a detailed feature on Tin Can API, a revolutionary way for trainers to capture powerful information about the way their students learn. We also have a look at the ‘transformational’ potential of ‘Adaptive Learning Platforms’ — and ask the question: could a machine ever teach better than a human? We speak with VET industry expert Lauren Hollows about the challenges of managing trainers in the new auditing landscape. And we take a deep dive into the future, asking: Where will educators be in twenty years? And what about fifty?

Maybe the future is already here? Futurist billionaire Elon Musk recently bet that he could fix South Australia’s energy woes in a hundred days using high-powered batteries. Dubai is moving towards a paperless economy by 2020, relying on blockchain technology to handle all transactions. And here at VET eXpress, we’re giddy with excitement over the new education market and the limitless potential for RTOs in the 21st century.

We hope you enjoy this edition,

Julie Verner-Mackay

Editor, VET eXpress




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