Making Case Studies with Your Students? Wield the Power of Video.

Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017

Case studies are a brilliant way to reveal relevant information to your learners. However, written studies can get laborious after a while, and no amount of creative layouts can relieve them of their static presentation. So why not switch over to video and reap the benefits?

In this fast moving world, education needs to be equally as mobile, flexing its understanding of the market and working fluidly with new technology. As attention spans grow ever more thin, video is becoming a more effective platform to convey a message.

Video is audible and visual. It’s exciting and it demands our attention. When executed correctly, information conveyed through video is faster and stronger than the written word. Using video to create case studies for your students will provide them with an engaging platform to learn new content.

The format for a case study transitions well over to video:

  1. Find the problem
  2. Assess the problem
  3. Suggest and find solutions
  4. Discuss the benefits of those solutions.

A simple interview with someone involved with the scenario you’re discussing in the study would fill up that information in a heartbeat.

Of course, you must keep in mind to interview someone who is engaging and comfortable in front of a camera, and ask them thoughtful questions that will give you the answers you are looking for. The interview itself won’t be enough either. One of the advantages of video is the opportunity to create non-stationary content, so don’t just film a stagnant interview. Keep it exciting and find visuals which marry with what the interviewee is talking about. Film processes which relate to the study, and get your students excited about the training. Use visual statistics over the interview, much like you would with a written case study, to provide information in an engaging way.

The length of the video should be no longer than 5 minutes. This allows viewers to absorb information without becoming bored. The engaging nature of video will grab your students fast at the beginning, and it’s important to tell your information succinctly enough to effectively get your point across in a few minutes.

When the videos are complete, you can utilise them not only in the classroom, but also on other outlets such as web-pages or event functions. It brings a level of sophistication to any page or class, showing that your organisation knows how to wield the power of video, and create a comfortable atmosphere which appeals to the audience.

In a market full of readable content, it’s tastefully refreshing to apply video. Moving picture will catch the eye, whereas word is a voluntary read.

