Registrations Are Open Now for the 26th National VET Research Conference

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1 min readMar 8, 2017

It’s that time of year again when experts from across Australia get together to present, share and discuss their findings about key issues affecting the VET sector.

This year the theme is ‘Skilling for Tomorrow’, highlighting work across three distinct streams;

  • ‘Explore’; looking at the interactions between education, training and employment.
  • ‘Translate’; how we can use knowledge gleaned from training and education experiences to improve practice, quality and outcomes;
  • ‘Evolve’; looking at what lies ahead in the VET sector, and what training organisations can do to better meet the future skills needs.

The conference is open to educators, researchers, policy-makers, registered training organisations, industries, schools and universities, employer groups, Commonwealth, state and federal education and training authorities, not-for-profit and community associations, and private consultants.

Past conferences have been highly informative and provided good networking opportunities for a diverse range of stakeholders.

Registration will open in March 2017. For more information, visit:




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