Utilising Dashboards for Better Enterprise Efficiency

Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2017

Imagine if you had to manually check how much fuel is in your tank by getting out of your car and looking inside, or having to pop the hood every time you wanted to know the engine temperature.

Sounds ridiculous, right?

So why would you approach your business’s data in the same way?

Like the dashboard found behind the steering wheel of your car, a digital dashboard displays critical info from multiple channels, so you can make informed decisions without having to go looking for the information. Dashboards are one-stop-shops for managers, administrators, and staff to gain a holistic overview of business performance.

Many RTOs struggle to handle so many different aspects of their enterprise, and find it hard to get clear overviews on multiple sectors at once. By using a dashboard, all stakeholders can see tasks and analyses in a simplified visual format, which leads to better decision making and increased productivity.

Data is an important asset for any business. The more you know, the smarter you are, and smart staff are of high value. By using a dashboard to manage your data, you’ll have the upper hand when it comes to managing events and tasks, increasing employee productivity, and ensuring continuous improvement across all aspects of your RTO.

Consolidate Your Data; Save Time

A dashboard allows you to oversee all marketing tasks, workshop events, internal projects, and reports at one time, instead of having to search through multiple channels for updates. All the data is consolidated into one platform, giving you quick access to current information.

You can cut down on communication time by seeing the progress of tasks, instead of following up with staff manually. A dashboard gives you governance over all aspects of the enterprise, enabling you to stay in-the-loop across marketing, compliance, staff, and events.

Capture Opportunities

Dashboards are perfect platforms to use to determine efficiency, and look for opportunities to improve activity. Using the information presented, you’ll be able to develop a strategy which supports the vision of the business.

Empower your staff by giving them continuous access to information. A live dashboard means continuous data flow, getting everyone the facts they need to act on what’s most important for the enterprise. You can use a dashboard to drive user behaviour, and encourage staff to finish tasks and stay on top of compliance.

Drive Productivity

Providing dashboards for your administrators and employees provides them with control over their own productivity, and gives you insights into their effectiveness. Use the reporting information to develop metrics which allow you to analyse success or problem areas. Build performance targets, KPIs, and start driving better efficiency in your business.

Seeing their own progress and tasks will encourage your staff to complete actions, and provide you with updates on project statuses.

Using an enterprise dashboard will give you a holistic review of your data, without spending unnecessary energy following up on information. Streamline business processes, identify opportunities for improvement, and save time not only for yourself, but your entire team.

