Hillary Clinton: The President We and Our Veterans Deserve

Veterans for Hillary
VetFam Comms
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2016


Major General Don Loranger, USAF, Ret.

I had the privilege serving in the United States Air Force for thirty years.

I know the sacrifice it takes to step forward and serve. I know the demands on our active duty service members and challenges our veterans and military families face back home — in Arizona and beyond.

Americans deserves a President with the experience to be Commander-in-Chief and a record of support for our veterans and military families. Hillary Clinton has proven she has both.

That’s why I strongly support her candidacy for President.

And I’m joined by countless foreign affairs experts (including plenty of Republicans) who all agree: Donald Trump is grossly unfit to lead our country. Trump has shown time and time again that he doesn’t understand foreign policy, he doesn’t understand our military, and he doesn’t have the temperament to lead.

Trump panders to the impractical and immoral whims of those who believe we can wall-off, bomb, or kill our way through global challenges. A Trump Presidency would tarnish our reputation abroad and potentially increase risks to the homeland — ISIS already uses Trump’s fear-mongering remarks on the Brussels and Orlando attacks to recruit more terrorists.

Trump has no actual plans for a stronger or more secure America. Instead, he relies on hate and divisiveness antithetical to the ideals we in the military step forward to defend.

This choice isn’t just about our security. It’s also about treating veterans with the dignity they deserve. There are well over a half million vets right here in Arizona, and countless more military families.

As a scam artist, Trump ripped people off through Trump University, many of whom were veterans. He opposes the post-9/11 GI Bill, which provides a path to education and a better life for those who’ve served and their families. And perhaps most insultingly, he had the gall to mock Gold Star parents of a fallen Army captain.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton, the daughter of a WWII vet, has a proven record of standing with veterans and military families. As a Senator, she served six years on the Armed Services committee working tirelessly to support service members, veterans, and their loved ones. She consistently put people over politics and teamed up with Republicans to increase the survivor benefits from $12,000 to $100,000 and expand health care for National Guard members and reservists.

Trump mocked Senator John McCain’s service, calling him a “dummy” and referring to the five-and-a-half years he spent tortured as a POW by saying “I like people who weren’t captured.” Let there be no doubt: contrary to Trump’s statements, Senator McCain is a war hero. And while she served in the Senate, Hillary Clinton put politics aside and worked with Senator McCain to raise millions to build a cutting edge veterans rehabilitation center.

In my thirty years of service as an operational pilot and national security specialist, I served alongside the smartest, most courageous men and women on earth.

They deserve better than Trump. Arizonans — and all Americans — deserve better than Trump.

That’s why I’m with Hillary. Join me.

