Community update July: meet the expanded VETRI team!

What happened this month

Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018


The release of the roadmap on July 13 marked an important milestone on the way to delivering our vision of a blockchain enabled self-sovereign identity and data marketplace. As announced in the timeline, we now completed the proposition testing phase and are excited to kick off the Minimal Viable Product (MVP) development phase from the beginning of August. With the launch of the MVP phase, we are pleased to introduce to you some of our colleagues from Creative Dock who led the proposition design and testing over the last few months. Furthermore, our team is constantly growing and we will continue to introduce our newest entrants to the community on an ongoing basis.

12 of our new colleagues from Prague

Want to know what makes us tick? Over the coming months, we will publish a series of interviews with our new joiners.


- Community meetup

The VETRI team was very excited to host our first community meetup in our office at Trust Square. The presentations from Daniel Gasteiger, Aleš Machander and David Duroň from Creative Dock, VETRI senior software engineer Dariusz Niepodziany and interaction designer Severin Candrian were complemented by an informal apero on the rooftop terrace. The entire team thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas with the community. Thank you again to everyone who attended. We look forward to having you at Trust Square again soon.

-Blockchain Partner Summit

CFO Yves-Alain Petitjean was invited to speak on a panel about Blockchain for Social Good at the Blockchain Partner Summit in Seoul. With him on the panel were Chris Miess, former interim CFO at TenX Wallet, NEO founder Da Hong Fei, Taewon Kim, CEO & CTO at Glosfer and Richard Ma, CEO of Quantstamp.

What’s next?

On Monday, a delegation of the VETRI Prague team and the entire VETRI Zurich team came together to review the results of the research and testing phase and kick off the MVP development phase together. We are going to share the results of the research phase with you over the coming month, with a summary in the next community update.

On the marketing side, new initiatives are set to go live towards the end of the month while we are slowly shifting into a more product driven marketing phase. In that context, we will also be completely re-designing our website to make it both informative and engaging for all relevant stakeholders. The launch of the new website is planned for September.

In terms of technology development, the next 4 weeks will focus on the kick-off of development of the core mobile app functionalities and the overall architectural design of the marketplace and data management system.


