Roadshow destination #5: Blockchain Incredible Party, Kiev

2 min readJan 30, 2018


The BIP 001 conference, which has a hard cap attendee limit of eighty persons, brought together technology experts, entrepreneurs, investors, bankers and regulators with an expertise in blockchain. The objective of the event was to enable actors closely involved in the development of blockchain to share their vision for the future of the technology in their respective fields. Procivis AG CEO, Daniel Gasteiger, was invited as a panelist on the enterprise uses-cases of blockchain. VALID’s extended team member Lucas Betschart, President of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland, offered his insights on the future of bitcoin and the mechanisms to fund its development.

Gabriel Kurman, CEO & Co-founder of Koibanx, presented RSK, the first open source smart contract platform with a two-way peg to bitcoin. Through the smart contract platform, RSK adds value and functionality to the bitcoin ecosystem, allowing bitcoin miners to participate actively in the smart contract revolution via merge mining. By overcoming the lack of Turing-complete smart contract capabilities, the development of the RSK project could prove consequential for the future of bitcoin if it were to deliver on its promise.

The BIP event was followed by a Bitcoin Kiev meetup at the magnificent Kiev Polytechnic Institute, established in 1898. In an event covered by the national TV station, Danny presented his vision of a future where every citizen would be empowered by a fully self-sovereign digital identity, enabling citizens to access services on the internet in a secure fashion. Speaking at the end of his visit to Kiev, Danny said, “Ukraine is emerging as one of the region’s hubs for blockchain and cryptocurrency. We are excited to see the warm reception of Procivis and VALID wherever we visit in Europe. This leads us to believe that we are responding to a public interest in shaping the next iteration of the internet.”


