Team interview #6: Carlos Dreyfus



Meet the VETRI marketing genius.

What do you do at VETRI?

I’m a Marketing Manager at VETRI, specifically in the area of user acquisition strategy and execution. This entails performance marketing, content marketing, branding, user retention, and more.

Why did you join VETRI?

I wanted to be part of new technologies and at the same time involved in a project that could change the current status quo in the tech industry, with VETRI and Blockchain I get this opportunity.

What did you do before you joined VETRI?

I was in charge of the global digital marketing team at Havas Prague, helping corporations transition into running sustainable and data driven digital marketing initiatives. This entailed various industries such as Pharma and Consumer Packaged Goods.

What do you like most about working at VETRI?

The people… Everyone in VETRI shares the same passion which is to develop a product that will change the way people view their data and interact with services. This passion is backed by an extensive and diverse knowledge base that allows everyone to learn from each other and view this project from different angles and view points.

What is your vision for VETRI?

As a marketing professional, I experience first hand the distrust many consumers have towards methods of personalized marketing. Empowering the user to control who uses their data and exactly for what purpose will not only be a big win for them but also a great chance to rebuild trust for the entire industry.


