Be the first to drink your morning coffee out of a VALID mug!

VALID goes Global competition



Want to win an amazing VALID mug and get your hands on some VALID tokens already before the start of the crowdsale? Then make sure to participate in the VALID goes Global picture contest.

Here is how it works

Print out the VALID logo and follow the instructions to cut and fold it. Then, take a picture of the logo in a well-known place. To participate, post the picture on Twitter with a hashtag of the location (e.g. #Eifeltour, #bythesea, etc.), @valid_global and the competition hashtag #VALIDgoesGlobal. You can post more than one picture. The contribution with the most likes will be selected on March 7 and the winner will be announced on the official VALID twitter channel.

Print out the logo here.


