J’s Picks IV: Female Powerhouses

Jerome Hardaway
The SitRep
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2018

This weeks picks, I decided to go with my favorite women Javascript engineers. These ladies are dynamos who run circles around your average brogrammer with not just talent, but with Rocky-style work ethics ( I swear at least one of them doesn’t sleep.)

Sarah Drasner

Sarah works at Microsoft and also works on the new framework that is blazing up the github charts Vue. I absolutely love the nuggets of knowledge she drops and how she communicates makes people excited to listen or read her books.

When she isn’t doing that, she is podcasting, mentoring, writing books, blogging, giving tech talks, building useful codepens and spending time with her family.

Jessica Biggs

Jessica Biggs, AKA “Biggles”, AKA “The Tiniest B.I.G.” is the coolest engineer you will ever meet. Her SVG game is on point and her thought process when it comes to Javascript gives you a deeper perspective.

Funny story, I had a friend looking for an engineer and I sent him her portfolio. He called me at 11 PM on a Friday and asked me to set up an introduction as soon as I can. That led her to Vaynermedia in NYC and now she is an engineer at Square ( say hi to Jack for me!)

Feather Knee

Feather is not only a staunch supporter of Vets Who Code, she is also out first Slack Side Chat guest, having spoken to our troops about the journey to code and how to overcome obstacles in that path. Her ability to skills transfer and put programming principles in a way that makes sense to newbies is amazing.

When she isn’t being a great citizen, she is being an insane React Developer, doing talks, and rock climbing to heights that make me say “Nope”.

Tracy Lee

When I watch people debate about who is the most inspiring developer to follow, I want to pull a Kanye and say, “I’ma let you finish, but Tracy the best who ever did it”. Tracy is, for lack of a better phrase, a f*cking juggernaut. She first came on my radar due to her finding Dishcrawl and hasn’t left my radar since.

She is like the GSP of JS: her javascript knowledge is on point, her ability to clearly teach, communicate, and transfer those skills is that of a true professional, her business acumen is of legend, while her capability to be empathetic to even the newest developer’s experience is motherly( plus, she brings the fruit snacks!) and being able to do it all at the same time in a lemon dress with a smile on her face while the other devs look like they caught the red eye from hell makes her the LeBron of the community.

If this has helped you in any way, please consider supporting Vets Who Code. Also, our next session is in March and we are starting to answer applications next week, so if you are a veteran and looking to learn javascript with a bunch of other veterans, apply.



Jerome Hardaway
The SitRep

Veteran | Sr Front End @ CBS Interactive | Kettlebells make the whisky taste better