J’s Weekly Code Picks

Jerome Hardaway
The SitRep
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a great start to the new year. At #VetsWhoCode we are always finding cool things on the web and we just throw them into the resources slack channel. Well starting this year, I want to share some of the cool things we find with you weekly.

Sarah Dranser All The Things

I recently stumbled onto Sarah’s work over the holidays ( I don’t know how I ever missed it), but someone shared a codepen she made called the Array Explorer. This is a great visual tool and resource for new people learning to code and for guys like me who forget everything not Captain America related.

Array Explorer

Designer List

Designer List is a website that is a curated list of everything needed for web design. I love this cause it’s so hard to keep up with everything you can use to make your workflow easier. Great resource to check out!


We have been speaking about JAMstack internally for over a year and are starting to implement a lot of its practices. While not relying on a server but requiring knowledge of Markup, API’s and Javascript, its perfect for regularly updated sites that don’t require a ton of logic.

The Vets Who Code Spotify Playlist

So I asked troops what they like to listen to while writing code, then asked mentors the same question and as a result these seven songs were picked. Full disclosure: I have no idea who any of these artists are 😂 😂 😂.

Cool Job of The Week

I tend to not even look at the public sector for cool things, and I’m glad that I made the mistake to do so last week, cause I wouldn’t have seen this gem. NASA is looking for a Vue.js developer. I am pleasantly surprised that a government service is moving in that direction. Here is the tweet of the guy to talk to:

Well, that’s it for me. If this has helped you in any way, please consider supporting Vets Who Code. Also, our next session is in March and we are starting to answer applications next week, so if you are a veteran and looking to learn javascript with a bunch of other veterans, apply.



Jerome Hardaway
The SitRep

Veteran | Sr Front End @ CBS Interactive | Kettlebells make the whisky taste better