Collectible Edition Types — What You Need To Know

Glossary, Path Forward & Clean-up Plan for Edition Types on VeVe

VeVe Digital Collectibles
5 min readFeb 10, 2022

In this article, we want to create a foundation to build upon for collectible Edition Type labeling on VeVe and to firmly establish guidelines for designations such as First Appearance, First Edition, Con Exclusive, etc. for the Collector community.

Where We’re At

As VeVe continues to grow, and Market activity becomes more robust, having clear-cut definitions for our Edition Types will help all of our users make the best decisions for them when deciding which collectibles to acquire.

Admittedly, there have been some inconsistencies in our past designations, but hopefully, in this article, we can clear up some of the most frequently asked questions and offer a plan to clear up any doubt about the meanings of FA vs. FE, etc…

Defining Edition Types

What qualifies as a First Appearance? How does that differ from First Edition? Is this the First Appearance on VeVe or the blockchain?

First Appearance

When a character with a storyline from comics, TV, film, etc. (such as Spider-Man) is first introduced to the VeVe platform in premium digital collectible format, it is considered a First Appearance, or FA. Note that First Appearances are reserved for characters making their debut on VeVe, and not the blockchain in general — even though in most cases, first appearance on the blockchain will be via VeVe.

First Edition

When an object (Rewind Collective Logo), artist work (Cereal Killers), vehicle (DeLorean Time Machine), or art-based format series (poster, lenticular cards) makes its debut on VeVe, it will be considered a First Edition, or FE. Note that First Editions are reserved for any objects making their debut on VeVe, and not the blockchain in general — even though in most cases, the first edition on the blockchain will be via VeVe.

Con Exclusive

Con Exclusives are inclusive of all collectibles dropped as part of a convention or special event such as Comic-Con, DesignerCon, etc. There will be prioritization for FA and FE on Con Exclusive collectibles moving forward.


Comic book character First Appearances exist in their own world outside of VeVe and do not coincide with collectible releases. As such, digital comics do not carry Edition Type designations on VeVe.

Moving Forward

Obviously, there are some things to clean up given the definitions laid out above. So, why isn’t Steamboat Willie an FA or FE? AND WHAT ABOUT THE BATMANS?!?!

The Walt & Mickey “Partners Statue” serves as the First Appearance of Mickey Mouse on VeVe because he is a character and because Disney does NOT consider Steamboat Willie a different character. Therefore, “Partners” remains the First Appearance.

Mickey and Friends lenticular interactive cards are labeled FE because they are First Edition cards. This means that if a premium digital collectible of Donald Duck, for example, were to drop in the future, he would be an FA.

Batman. Oh, boy…the Batmans. So, as with any startup, we have been on a steady diet of “figure-it-out-as-we-go.” Obviously a precedent was set early with some of the early Batman and Harley Quinn being labeled FE as artist works, but again, we want to clean all this up so these labels are less confusing moving forward. Don’t worry, we will avoid removing altogether any currently labeled First Appearances or First Editions —this includes all the Black & White collectibles, etc. — out of respect.

Updates to Existing Collectibles

Below is a look at the proposed adjustments to be rolled out to existing collectibles, based on our definitions above. We want to reiterate here that we are not removing tags, only upgrading or moving between FA & FE.

UPDATE: All changes below are live in the app as of 18 February, 2022.

1:1 DeLorean Time Machine — Interactive — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
1:1 DeLorean Time Machine — Static — Rare: FA → FE
1:1 Ecto-1 Interactive — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
1:1 Ecto-1 Static — Rare: FA → FE
1:1 Glider — Animated — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
1:1 Glider — Static — Rare: FA → FE
1:6 DeLorean Time Machine — Interactive — Common: FA → FE
1:6 Ecto-1 Interactive — Common: FA → FE
Avengers Logo — Rare: FA → FE
Borg Cube (1:1) — Rare: FA → FE
Borg Cube (1:1000) — Common: FA → FE
Cap’n Cornstarch — Uncommon: FA → FE
Captain Carter — Rare: CE → FA
Coming Soon Poster — Ultra Rare: FE
Count Calorie — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
Dragon Girl — Gold / Pink — Common: FA → FE
Dragon Girl — Silver — Rare: FA → FE
Dragon Girl — Silver / Black — Uncommon: FA → FE
Dragon Girl — Silver / Gold — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
Fat Tony — Common: FA → FE
Franken Fat — Uncommon: FA → FE
Ghost Trap — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
Ghostbusters I Logo — Rare: FA → FE
Honey Butt the Obese — Rare: FA → FE
Marking Time — Rare: FE
Marty’s Hoverboard — Common: FA → FE
Mickey Sorcerer’s Hat — Rare: FA → FE
No Tech Hoverboard — Common: FA → FE
Pitbull Hoverboard — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
Pizza Planet Truck — Rare: FA → FE
Question Mark Hoverboard — Rare: FA → FE
Rising Sun Hoverboard — Uncommon: FA → FE
Rogers: The Musical — Poster — Ultra Rare: → FE
Safin’s Mask — Rare: FA → FE
Skateboard — Rare: FA → FE
Specimen #04 — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
Specimen #129 — Uncommon: FA → FE
Specimen #72 — Common: FA → FE
Specimen #80 — Rare: FA → FE
Sugar Bear — Rare: FA → FE
Two Ton Sam — Common: FA → FE
U.S.S. Enterprise-D (1:1) — Ultra Rare: FA → FE
U.S.S. Enterprise-D (1:1000) — Uncommon: FA → FE
Valdo’s Case — Rare: FA → FE
Yucky Charmer — Ultra Rare: FA → FE

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