VeVe Drop Day Updates

Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2021

In our endeavour to make VeVe Drop Days as fair as possible for our userbase, we are constantly implementing new features and security measures to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to collect from their favourite brands. After saying goodbye to #clockgate, we’re now ready to implement the next iteration of these measures!

1. Getting Ready to ‘Buy Now’

Recently we added a countdown timer to the app so that everyone knew the exact time our new collectibles would be released. This week we are happy to report that the ‘Buy Now’ button will be visible to all users before the drop opens, and the timer has been moved to the left. This is to help prevent any lag/latency issues experienced by users with older devices or unstable internet connections.

Note: If you tap the Buy Now button before the timer reaches 0:00, you will be given an error message. With some drops decided in those crucial early seconds, you certainly don’t want to be hitting it too early!

Don’t tap the Buy Now too early or you’ll receive this message!

2. Randomised Edition Numbers

Up until now, VeVe drops have always been “first come, first served.” While this has been an effective mechanism up until now, we are always looking to find improved ways to accommodate our rapidly growing userbase. Of course, our wonderful community has become a core source of feedback and ideas, and thanks to one of those suggestions, we are now implementing randomised edition numbers!

Now, when you participate in a VeVe Drop, you will be randomly assigned a collectible edition number. This will not only help to even out your odds of getting a low mint, but also add an element of surprise to our Drop Days!

3. Prove You’re Human

The final implementation to take place in the coming update is the addition of a CAPTCHA to prove that you’re 100% human and not part robot! Using the best and latest technologies, the CAPTCHA will require you to solve a puzzle before you can confirm your purchase.

After successfully reserving a collectible, users will have 90 seconds to complete the puzzle and confirm their purchase, or their collectible will return to the pool and be made available for the next reservation - so you better have your thinking cap on for Drop Day!

Note: The default language for the CAPTCHA is English, however, you can change it to your preferred language by tapping the ‘EN’ when presented with the puzzle, so you can participate no matter which language you speak!

When Will This Be Live?

These updates are expected to roll out before this week's collectible release. When they are available, you will be prompted to update your app and will need to proceed with the update before you have access again. Stay tuned to our social channels for the latest updates!

Download the VeVe App today to begin your digital collection!

