Choosing A Public Cloud Provider

Valeriya Karnaukh
Published in
1 min readJan 15, 2021

Let’s talk about choosing a public cloud provider. From cost savings, productivity, uptime, and even agility, your public cloud needs to fit your business.

How do you find the right public cloud provider for your business? There are three elements that you need to focus on. Let’s break them down.

Cost of Services

There is potential for saving on infrastructure costs when opting for a public cloud solution, so review each provider. From servers, to storage, to networking, and beyond, what do they have to offer you?

Overall Productivity

It’s no secret that companies are always looking to improve staff productivity, so make sure you talk to the provider about the options available to you as the implementation of a public cloud can improve it! For instance, see if tasks such as installation or upgrades can be automated so internal processes can be streamlined.

Downtime Measures

While no downtime can’t be guaranteed, you need to assess the resiliency of your public cloud solution. The right provider will have increased scalability, security, and reliability, so make sure you ask what measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of downtime.

If you are looking want to learn more about our Public Cloud, visit our website today!

