How Does Cloud Computing Transform the Healthcare Industry?

Athul Domichen
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2021
How Does Cloud Computing Transform the Healthcare Industry?

The pandemic struck the world hard and fast — there was an immediate need to adopt new technology and treatment protocols for healthcare workers across the globe. Cloud computing is one technology that came in super-useful. Healthcare can now rely on the cloud for better communication, flexible data storage, and greater reach. Advancements in cloud computing in healthcare are revolutionizing the industry.

With the cloud, healthcare providers can have control over their hardware, software, and personnel. The widespread cloud adoption fosters innovative practices while having control over the scalability and faster access to medical records. Here are some of the other benefits.

Stronger Collaboration

Medical professionals often need to work together to and save patients and their lives. They can easily exchange medical information in a secure environment with the cloud, allowing more robust communication and better diagnoses. With the pandemic, many consultations are now happening online. With the cloud, no matter how remote your location, you can access medical aid from the world over.

Flexibility In Data Storage

Data needs are different for each organization, according to their size and how long they have been in business for. Companies need a secure location to store crucial diagnostic reports, medical research, and other essential documents. A cloud computing solution can help medical institutions get optimal storage solutions at much lower prices and maintenance requirements than traditional infrastructure.


Of course, there are day-to-day functions of these healthcare institutions and access to the system, but what about when there is an emergency such as a pandemic? In such a case, it is vital to scale up or down based on the unique needs. Cloud computing can make this possible with the great scalability it provides.

Cost Savings

Savings come in many ways when cloud computing technology is incorporated by healthcare. They benefit from efficient data storage methods, and hence expenses are not incurred in maintaining physical paperwork. Having immediate access to records cuts down on costs incurred from repetitive testing. The Healthcare industry also doesn’t have to spend lots of money on the physical infrastructure of its IT environment. Furthermore, with ease of innovation via the cloud, there are new ways to become cost-efficient.

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VEXXHOST is a Canadian cloud computing provider offering cloud services and solutions to many clients globally. We are committed to the growth of technology, including AI, and always support projects that foster humanity’s advance. Reach out to our team if you would like to check out our cloud offerings, including private clouds.

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