Introducing Vey
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018

Hello and welcome! The time has finally arrived to announce an exciting blockchain-based survey platform, A huge thank you goes out to our friends from around the world who have helped shape our vision over the past months.

Taking Paid Surveys Online

Websites that offer a “quick and easy” payday on the internet have been attracting curious web surfers and broke college students for decades. Often times, these paydays involve providing consumer feedback through the completion of surveys. Marketing firms, large corporations, government agencies and many other organizations gather data through this form of research. Main uses include ad testing, product development, concept testing, brand tracking and more. But, anyone who has taken these surveys can attest that the process is neither quick nor easy. What concerns us the most is that there is nothing fair about it.

Today’s survey industry is plagued by ambiguity and greed. There are many aspects which raise concern:

  1. Arbitrary payouts with high, built-in fees (no set supply).
  2. Redeemable points with ever-changing rewards.
  3. Extremely slow process to gather research via surveys.
  4. Substantial financial limitations.

These issues can be eradicated with the help of blockchain technology.

What Is Vey?

Vey is a future market research platform that will create a more efficient, profitable and secure environment for both participants and researchers. Taking online surveys will become a fair exchange, where survey creators and participants control the value and speed of market research.

The role of our platform, in its simplest form, is to match people with the most profitable surveys available to them. Creators will have complete control over their survey’s payout, free targeting, and instant access to their research data. On the flip side, participants will have complete ownership over their earnings and will never be subjected to withdrawal restrictions. This is in stark contrast to the current model of getting a quote for research, paying entirely upfront, added expenses for audience-targeting, waiting days or weeks for data, and -most importantly - giving the middlemen a lot of money.

Vey’s goal is to breathe new life into the antiquated and multibillion-dollar online survey industry. By providing the cryptocurrency community with its first paid survey platform, we will demonstrate the power of bringing market research onto the blockchain.

Explaining how we will maximize profits for participants is the primary focus in our “transparency from the ground-up” approach to building the platform. As a participant on today’s survey sites, earnings are entirely dependent on how much the survey company wants to pay. With Vey, this wall simply does not exist. Tokens will flow directly from researcher to participant, which makes the surveys more cost-effective for creators and profitable for participants.

It is clear that the blockchain revolution is slowly but steadily disrupting and modernizing every major industry. Online surveys are no exception. The market research industry has waited far too long for instant, peer-to-peer survey transactions and free targeting.

Moving Forward

This blog will serve as the primary source for official announcements and updates about Vey. Don’t forget to follow us on social media! We are looking forward to documenting this journey and bringing our startup to life.

Stay tuned for important updates! Thanks :)




