Herbs are Good sweeteners

4 natural sweeteners are Chinese herbal medicines

Licorice root, Monk fruit, Longan, and Jujube date

Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force


We crave sweetness even though we know that sugar is evil for our health. Luckily, some sweeteners benefit our bodies. And they are Chinese herbal medicines in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); including Licorice root, Monk fruit, Longan, and Jujube date.

Herbal Tea
Photo by Drew Jemmett on Unsplash

Licorice root (Gan Cao 甘草) (Penner, 2022)

  • usually used as a sweetener in drinks.
  • harmonise other herbs in a herbal formula.
  • moderate harsh herb in a herbal formula.
  • Antidote toxicity of many substances (for example — a drastic herb in a formula, or food poisoning)
  • a gentle herb for clearing Heat (infection & inflammation).
  • benefit Stomach and Spleen Qi (functions of nutrition absorptions and waste elimination in the gastrointestinal tract.
Licorice root (Gan Cao)

Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo 罗汉果) (Penner, 2022)

  • stop coughing by moistening Lung, clearing Lung-Heat (infection) and resolving phlegm.
  • relieve constipation by moistening large intestines to improve bowel movement.
  • relieve thirst by moistening Yin (body fluids).
  • In addition, monk fruit (extract) is available in supermarkets. It may be pure monk fruit extract or combined with stevia extract. Both are good for people with diabetes or weight management. It is because they don’t contain any energy and won’t stimulate insulin.
Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo)

Longan (Long Yan Rou 龙眼肉) (Penner, 2022)

  • relieve insomnia and palpitation by calming Shen (spirit).
  • benefit Stomach & Spleen and nourish Blood by improving functions at the gastrointestinal.
  • benefit deficient constitution.
Longan (Long Yan Rou)

Jujube Date (Da Zao 大枣) (Penner, 2022)

  • relieve insomnia and palpitation by calming Shen (spirit).
  • benefit Stomach & Spleen and nourish Blood by improving functions at the gastrointestinal.
  • moderate harsh herbs in a formula.
  • its property is warm, so, it is not suitable for people with Heat syndrome (such as infection, sore throat, yellow tongue coating, and yellow urination).
Jujube date (Da Zao)


Licorice root (Gan Cao), Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo), Longan (Long Yan Rou), and Jujube date Da Zao) are sweeteners in TCM. Licorice acts as a gentleman who always resolves conflict in a group of herbs (formula decoction). Monk fruit moistens Lung and Large intestines to relieve coughing and constipation. And both Longan and Jujube dates could improve our sleep by calming Shen (spirit).


Penner, J. (2022). Individual Herbs (Pin Yin). American Dragon. https://www.americandragon.com/IndividualHerbsIndex2.html



Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force

I learnt diet & lifestyle, and self care skills in TCM and Complementary Medicine.