Chinese herbal medicine for Covid-19: Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Lianhua Qingwen, Qing Guan №1 (NRICM101), and Qing Guan №2 (NRICM102)

Ingredients in QFPDT, LHQW, QG №1. (NRICM101) & QG №2 (NRICM102)

Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force


By R. Crystal

When I got Covid-19, I found Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Lianhua Qingwen, Qing Guan №1 & 2 unsuitable for my signs, symptoms, and syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

According to TCM, everyone’s constitution and health condition would be different. So, the treatment should be modified to suit the person. And that is why TCM practitioners usually modify the decoctions of formulas for their clients.

When I considered my constitution and health condition, these formulas were not suitable for me.

The signs and symptoms were mild in my Covid-19 include

  • dry cough at night slightly.
  • sneezing with a runny nose.
  • Very thirsty.
  • Slight shortness of breath.
  • Body pain.
  • ore throat, stiff nape, and headache on the right side.
  • Slight fatigue.
  • Slightly intermittent hot and cold sensations.
  • No fever.
  • Slightly diarrhea.
  • Thick tongue coating in light yellow colour.
  • Slippery pulse
By R. Crystal

Since Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Lianhua Qingwen, and Qing Guan №1 & 2 are for typical Covide-19 syndrome, I felt that I would not need the QFPDT, LHQW, or QG №1 & 2 with the consideration of the ingredients in these formulas.

Ingredients in Qing Fei Pai Du Tang (maybe slightly modified in some countries)

By R. Crystal

HERBS (Penner, 2022)

Jing Jie (Sui)

  • Expel Wind Cold exterior.
  • Vent rashes.
  • Stop internal bleeding.

Zi Su Ye

  • Expel Wind Cold exterior.
  • Stop coughing.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting.

Zhi Gan Cao

  • Benefit Spleen and Stomach.
  • Harmonise the big group of herbs in this formula.

Ku Xing Ren

  • Stop coughing by descending Lung Qi.
  • Moisten Lung to relieve Dryness in Lung.
  • Moisten the large intestine to assist bowel movement.
  • Slightly toxic (large in-taking may cause death).

(Sheng) Shi Gao

  • Clear Heat at Lung and Stomach.
  • Relieve fever.

Gui Zhi

  • Expel Wind-Cold.
  • Harmonise the exterior and interior of the body.

Ze Xie

  • Drain Dampness by promoting urination.

Zhu Ling

  • Drain Dampness by promoting urination.

Bai Zhu

  • Strengthen Spleen Qi (for the benefit of the functions of nutrition absorption and waste elimination at the intestines).
  • Strengthen Spleen Qi (for the benefit of the functions of nutrition absorption and waste elimination at the intestines).

Fu Ling

  • Drain Dampness by promoting urination.
  • Strengthen Spleen Qi.

Chai Hu

  • Clear Heat.
  • Relieve fever.
  • Spread Liver Qi to relieve stagnation of Qi.

Huang Qin

  • Clear Heat at Lung.
  • resolve Dampness at Lung.

Jiang Ban Xia

  • Stop coughing by descending Lung Qi and resolving Cold-Phlegm in Lung.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting by descending Spleen Qi.

Sheng Jiang

  • Expel Wind-Cold
  • Warm the Stomach and Spleen.

Zi Wan

  • Stop coughing by descending Lung Qi.
  • Remove cold phlegm.

(Kuan) Dong Hua

  • Stop coughing.
  • Resolve phlegm.

She Gan

  • Stop coughing.
  • Resolve phlegm.
  • Clear Heat. (Heat refers to infection and inflammation).

Bai Qian

  • Stop coughing.
  • Resolve phlegm.

Jie Geng

  • Spread Lung Qi to stop coughing.
  • Resolve phlegm and pus in Lung.

Shan Yao

  • Strengthen Healthy Qi by tonifying Lung, Spleen, and Kidneys.

Zhi Shi

  • Stop coughing by descending Lung Qi and dissolving Phlegm

Chen Pi

  • Stop coughing by regulating Lung Qi and dissolving Phlegm.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting by regulating the Stomach and Spleen Qi.

Guang Huo Xiang

  • n aromatic herb to resolve dampness at Gastrointestinal Track.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting.
  • Expel Wind-Cold.

The Function of Qing Fei Pai Du Tang

It is a big formula for the typical syndrome of Covid-19 in TCM, which is Cold-Dampness combined with Heat. Referring to the herbs in this formula, there are mainly 4 groups of herbs:

  1. Expel Coldness exterior
  • Jing Jie Sui, Gui Zhi, Ze Su Ye, Sheng Jiang, and Guang Huo Xiang.

2. Stop cough by descending Lung Qi and dissolving phlegm

  • Zhi Su Ye, Ku Xing Ren, Jiang Bian Xia, Zi Wan, Kuan Dong Hua, She Gan, Bai Qian, Jie Geng, Zhi Shi, and Chen Pi.

3. Eliminate Dampness

  • Ze Xie, Zhu Ling, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Shi, Chen Pi, and Guang Huo Xiang.

4. Clean Heat (infection and inflammation)

  • Sheng Shi Gao, Chai Hu, and Huang Qin

Ingredients in LHQW (maybe slightly modified in some countries)

By R. Crystal

HERBS (Penner, 2022)

Ban Lan Gen

  • Clear Heat and toxicity.
  • Relieve sore throat and respiratory infections.
  • Resolve Dampness.

Jin Yin Hua

  • Expel Wind-Heat exterior.
  • Clear Heat and toxicity.

Lian Qiao

  • Clear Heat and toxicity.
  • Relieve sore throat.

Yu Xing Cao

  • Clear Heat and toxicity in Lung
  • Resolve phlegm and pus in Lung.

(Mian Ma) Guan Zhong

  • Clear Heat and toxicity.
  • Cool blood and stop bleeding.

(Sheng) Shi Gao

  • Clear Heat at Lung and Stomach.
  • Relieve fever.

Hong Jing Tian

  • Clear Lung Heat and nourishes Lung Yin to stop cough.
  • Invigorate blood and transform blood stasis.

Guang Huo Xiang

  • An aromatic herb to resolve dampness at Gastrointestinal Track.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting.
  • Expel Wind-Cold.

Zhi Ma Huang

  • A drastic herb expels Wind Cold exterior by strongly promoting sweating.
  • Stop coughing by dispensing Lung Qi.
  • Remove dampness by promoting urination.
  • Restricted in some countries due to slight poison.

Gan Cao

  • Harmonise other herbs in the formula.
  • Clear Heat.

Ku Xing Ren (Fried)

  • Stop cough by descending Lung Qi.
  • Moisten Lung to relieve Dryness in Lung.
  • Moisten the large intestines to assist bowel movement.
  • Slightly toxic (large in-taking may cause death).

Da Huang

  • Purge Heat and toxicity from large intestines.
  • Needed to be used with caution because an overdose will cause diarrhea.

Bo He (Extract)

  • Expel Wind-Heat exterior.
  • Relieve sore throat and red eyes.

The Function of Lianhua Qingwen

  • Major in clearing Heat and toxicity for Heat syndrome of Covid-19.
  • A group of herbs for clearing Heat; includes Ban Lan Gen, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Yu Xing Cao, Guan Zhong, shi Gao, Hong Jing tian, Da Huang, and Ho He (extract).
  • Another group of herbs for dissolving Dampness and phlegm; includes Yu Xing Cao, Guang Huo Xiang, and Ku Xing Ren.
  • Not suitable for clients with loose stools and diarrhea due to Da Huang being used.
  • Zhi Ma Huang is restricted in some countries due to its slight toxicity. Overdose may cause palpitation for clients with the deficient syndrome.

Ingredients in Qing Guan №1 (NRICM101) — for MILD Covid-19

By R. Crystal

HERBS (Penner, 2022)

Huang Qin

  • Clear Heat at Lung.
  • Remove Dampness at Lung.

Yu xing Cao

  • Clear Heat and toxicity in Lung
  • Resolve phlegm and pus in Lung.

Guo Luo

  • Clear Heat in Lung
  • Transform phlegm and pus in Lung

Ban Lan Gen

  • Stop coughing by descending Lung Qi and resolve Cold-Phlegm in Lung.
  • Stop nausea and vomiting by descending Spleen Qi.

Hou Po

  • Stop coughing, nausea, and vomiting by descending Qi downwards.
  • Resolve Dampness and phlegm.

Bo He

  • Expel Wind-Heat exterior.
  • Relieve sore throat and red eyes.

Jing Jie

  • Expel Exterior Wind.
  • Vent rashes.
  • Stop internal bleeding.

Sang Ye

  • Expel Wind-Heat exterior.
  • Clear Lung Heat to stop coughing.
  • Cool Liver Heat to relieve red eyes.

Fang Feng

  • Expel Wind exterior.
  • Enhance Wei Qi to defend against exterior invasion.
  • Eliminate Wind-Dampness to stop body pain.

Zhi Gan Cao

  • Benefit Spleen and Stomach.
  • Harmonise the big group of herbs in this formula.

The Function of Qing Guan №1 (NRICM101) — for MILD Covid-19

  • A group of herbs major for clearing Lung Heat and dissolving phlegm, include Sang Ye, Huang Qin, Ban Lan Gen, Yu Xing Cao, Gua Luo, Hou Po, and Bo He.
  • Jing Jie and Fang Feng are for expelling Wind exterior.
  • All herbs are commonly used in TCM for safety.

Ingredients in Qing Guan №2 (NRICM102) — for SEVERE Covid-19

HERBS (Penner, 2022)

Huang Qin

  • Clear Heat at Lung.
  • Remove Dampness at Lung.

Yu Xing Cao

  • Clear Heat and toxicity in Lung
  • Resolve phlegm and pus in Lung.

Gua Luo

  • Clear Heat in Lung
  • Transform phlegm and pus in Lung

Pao Fu Zi

  • A drastic herb to rescue depleting Yang of Heart, Spleen, Kidney, and Ming Men Fire.
  • Warm collapsing from Coldness.
  • Eliminate Dampness to stop body pain.
  • Restricted in some countries due to its slight toxicity.

Hou Po

  • Stop coughing, nausea, and vomiting by descending Qi downwards.
  • Resolve Dampness.

Fu Ling

  • Drain Dampness by promoting urination.
  • Strengthen Spleen Qi.

Yu Zhu

· Nourish Lung Yin to stop coughing.

· Nourish Yin to produce body fluids.

(Zhi) Ban Xia

  • top coughing, nausea, and vomiting by descending Qi downwards.
  • Resolve Dampness and phlegm.

Mian Yin Chen

  • Clear Heat at the Liver.
  • Relieve jaundice.
  • Resolve dampness.

Zhi Gan Cao

  • Benefit Spleen and Stomach.
  • Harmonise the big group of herbs in this formula.

The Function of Qing Guan №2 (NRICM102) — for Severe Covid-19

  • Pao Fu Zi is the drastic herb in this formula for the depleting condition of Yang collapse; which is restricted in some countries.
  • Needed to be used with caution.

Compare QFPDT, LHQW, QG №1 (NRICM101), and QG №2 (NRICM102)

  • QFPDT is more for the syndrome of Wind Cold; whereas LHQW and QG №1 are more for the syndrome of Wind-Heat.
  • LHQW is suitable for clients with constipation due to Da Huang being used.
  • QG №1 is for mild Covid-19; whereas QG №2 is for the severe condition with Pao Fu Zi.
  • Pao Fu Zi (in QG №. 2) & Zhi Ma Huang (in LHQW) are restricted in some countries.


Regarding my coughing, sneezing, runny nose, thirst, body pain, headache, and stiff nape, these signs and symptoms were the self-healing process of recovery. And I had recovered in one week.

For the shortness of breath and fatigue, I did a longer period of meditation (more than 2 hours) each day for a week. I experienced that meditation was effective for me.

In addition, meditation could be a better option for some people with chronic Covid-19 because taking medicine in long term may cause side effects.

For my diarrhea, I took the Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (pills) for 3 days; and I had recovered. In addition, Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wen is a formula for eliminating Cold-Dampness in the intestines to relieve diarrhea.

Since the signs, symptoms, and syndrome of my Covid-19 were not typical; but very similar to a common cold, I would not need the Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Lianhua Qingwen, Qing Guan №1 or Qing Guan №2. It is because the individual constitution and health condition are essential in TCM. And therefore, the formula in TCM may always need to be modified to suit every individual syndrome and constitution.

In addition, before using QFPDT, LHQW, QG №1, or QG №2, it is better to check if the formula suits your syndrome. As well as to check the signs and symptoms to see which formula suit you.

Additional Resources

Li, L. C., Zhang, Z. H., Zhou, W. C., Chen, J., Jin, H. Q., Fang, H. M., Chen, Q., Jin, Y. C., Qu, J., & Kan, L. D. (2020). Lianhua Qingwen prescription for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) treatment: Advances and prospects. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedicine & pharmacotherapie, 130, 110641.

Li, S., Liu, C., Guo, F., Taleb, S. J., Tong, M., & Shang, D. (2020). Traditional Chinese Medicine as Potential Therapy for COVID-19. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 48(6), 1263–1277.

Tsai, K. C., Huang, Y. C., Liaw, C. C., Tsai, C. I., Chiou, C. T., Lin, C. J., Wei, W. C., Lin, S. J., Tseng, Y. H., Yeh, K. M., Lin, Y. L., Jan, J. T., Liang, J. J., Liao, C. C., Chiou, W. F., Kuo, Y. H., Lee, S. M., Lee, M. Y., & Su, Y. C. (2021). A traditional Chinese medicine formula NRICM101 to target COVID-19 through multiple pathways: A bedside-to-bench study. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedicine & pharmacotherapie, 133, 111037.

Wei, W. C., Liaw, C. C., Tsai, K. C., Chiou, C. T., Tseng, Y. H., Chiou, W. F., Lin, Y. C., Tsai, C. I., Lin, C. S., Lin, C. S., Liou, K. T., Yu, I. S., Shen, Y. C., & Su, Y. C. (2022). Targeting spike protein-induced TLR/NET axis by COVID-19 therapeutic NRICM102 ameliorates pulmonary embolism and fibrosis. Pharmacological research, 184, 106424.

Zhao, Z. H., Zhou, Y., Li, W. H., Huang, Q. S., Tang, Z. H., & Li, H. (2020). Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for COVID-19 Based on “The Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Coronavirus Disease-2019” from Chinese Authority. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 48(5), 1035–1049.

Zhong, L., Lam, W. C., Yang, W., Chan, K. W., Sze, S., Miao, J., Yung, K., Bian, Z., & Wong, V. T. (2020). Potential Targets for Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Review of Qing-Fei-Pai-Du-Tang and Its Major Herbs. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 48(5), 1051–1071.

Zhuang, J., Dai, X., Wu, Q., Cai, H., Fu, X., Zhang, W., & Chen, B. (2021). A meta-analysis for Lianhua Qingwen on the treatment of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Complementary therapies in medicine, 60, 102754.


Penner, J. (2022). Individual Herbs (Pin Yin). American Dragon.



Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force

I learnt diet & lifestyle, and self care skills in TCM and Complementary Medicine.