Use food as medicine

One common fruit for alleviating sore throat and pimples for young people

Clearing Heat syndrome in TCM

Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is one fruit that functions similarly to a decoction of Chinese Herbal Medicine “Bai Hu Tang 白虎汤”.

Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) is commonly used for clearing Heat syndrome in TCM. Before we talk about the fruit for alleviating sore throat and pimples, let's see what the Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) is.

The ingredients in Bai Hu Tang contain Gypsum (Shi Gao 石膏), Anemarrhena Rhizome(Zhi Mu知母), Licorice RootGan Cao甘草), and Non-glutinous Rice (Jing Mi粳米).

The functions of Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) include:

  • Regulate high febrile with profuse sweating (Heat at Yang Ming Channel).
  • Extremely thirsty and prefer cold water.
  • Easily hungry because of Heat syndrome in the Stomach.
  • Forceful pulse.
  • Red tongue.
  • Yellow and scanty urination.

People may wonder why the rice is put in the decoction. It is because the Gypsum (Shi Gao 石膏) is so Cold in property that it may harm the stomach. And therefore, we need to put some rice in the decoction in order to protect the stomach.

Bai Hu Tang is a typical formula for Clearing Heat syndrome in TCM because of its cold property.

Sore throat
Photo by Julio Hernandez on Unsplash

However, one fruit is named “The Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) in nature” in TCM because of its Coldest property among all fruits. The fruit watermelon is commonly used for:

  • Clearing Heat syndrome to alleviate sore throat and pimples.
  • Relieving thirsty.
  • Alleviating scanty and yellow urination by promoting urination.
  • Clearing Summer Heat.
  • the white part of the skin is more effective in clearing Heat.
Photo by Rens D on Unsplash

In addition, the Heat syndrome in TCM is always associated with infections and inflammation.

Even though there are many benefits in watermelon for clearing Heat syndrome, some people may need to consume it with caution. It is because the property of watermelon is the coldest among all kinds of fruits, so, it is not suitable for those with a weak constitution, such as the elderly or people with chronic diseases. And also, if the symptoms are not relieved, seeking further medical help is necessary.


Lin, J., Su, C., Lee, H., Li, C., Chen, A., & Jui-Shan Lin, S. (2013). Bai-Hu-Tang, Ancient Chinese Medicine Formula, May Provide a New Complementary Treatment Option for Sepsis. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM, 2013.



Rainbow Crystal
VF - Vital Force

I learnt diet & lifestyle, and self care skills in TCM and Complementary Medicine.