5 things every gamer does

Aditya Addepalli
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2020

The following is 100% real— Beware of Truth

Grinding 24/7

If you’re a gamer, you grind no matter what time of day it is; whether it be late nights, early mornings, or all throughout the day. You think about the upcoming levels, next bosses, and even how to improve your gaming ability when you’re not playing and crave to level up or beat the game.

Saving the game

After playing a game for hours and passing countless levels, you forgot to click save. That was the one thing that cemented your work and showed your progress. Or, it could be the opposite: you save incessantly and after every minor achievement. Either way, as a gamer, you save or forget to save all the time.

Rage [quit]

You are on the brink of losing your mind and want to punch a hole through a wall. Trust me, we’ve all been there. Getting overpowered, dealing with a toxic teammate, or good old lag. Whatever it is, raging and rage quitting are symptoms of being a gamer.

Think their platform is the best

PlayStation vs Xbox vs PC vs Nintendo. This argument of the century will never end. As a gamer, you will support and defend your platform no matter what anybody says.

Worry about your stats

Whether it be your Elo, ranking, or any other stats, as a gamer, your stats will always be on your mind. Stats are the butter to your bread. The proof of your gaming ability. If you’ve ever played Call of Duty, you know the importance of maintaining your K/D. I know I’ve camped in a corner just to maintain my 1.0; yeah, you don’t want to mess with me. And don’t get me started on Overwatch SR, that’s a whole different story.

In the end, one thing that every gamer does is have love for games and all the experiences around them. Gaming is awesome and those who play games are equally as awesome.

If you are a gamer, we would love to have you on our platform. Feel free to check us out at vGlogs.com or connect with us on social media @vGlogsapp. Thanks for reading and we’ll see you in the next one!

If you would like to connect with me, hit me up on all social media @adityaddepalli. Let’s talk soon!

