Working With Packages In Via (Alpha)

Learn about the extensive package system built right into Via.

Via Systems
Via Blog
2 min readJan 27, 2018


Software customization and extensibility is a consistent problem in application development. Nowhere is the problem more apparent than in financial analysis and trading platforms. With billions of dollars on the line, traders and analysts demand a higher level of customization than the average user, to suit their specific needs and preferences. That’s why it was so important to give Via a powerful package management system.

What is a package?

To put it simply, a package is a collection of javascript files (along with relevant key maps, menu items, and visual styles) that plugs into Via in order to provide new functionality. Virtually all major UI components are packages, as are the adapters to each individual crypto exchange.

Why use packages?

Packages dramatically improve code maintainability and platform customization. Since code for each component is isolated, it is faster to develop new features and fix bugs, and much easier for users to stay up to date with the latest version of important packages.

How do I install packages?

Most of the standard user interface components (e.g. charts, order book) are shipped along with Via. If you want to connect to an exchange or check out other non-default packages, visit your user preferences page. You can find this page by going to File > Settings on Windows, or Via Alpha > Preferences on OSX. You can also open this by using the hot key Control + , on Windows or Command + , on OSX (press ctrl/cmd and the comma key).

Once you have opened your preferences, click the “Install Packages” tab on the left side of the pane to browse available packages. Currently, all available packages are listed underneath the “Featured Packages” header. You will not find any other packages by searching.

To install a new package, simply click “Install Package”. Via will handle the installation (this may take a few seconds), and your package will become available immediately.

Can I develop a package?

Currently, all packages are developed by Via directly. However, we do plan to open up package development capabilities to selected 3rd-parties. The largest hurdles are maintaining security and reliability for our users, as well as providing support and documentation for outside developers. If you would like to get involved with Via package development, please reach out by email, or join us on Slack.



Via Systems
Via Blog
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Via is a desktop-based cryptocurrency trading platform for professional traders.