You have 15 seconds to grab their attention — or they’ll leave

We spoke with Danish Skin Care, a ViaBill shop, about bounce rate. Danish Skin Care is putting a lot of effort into reducing their bounce rate. They want customers to stay a little bit longer when visiting their shop. For this reason, Danish Skin Care uses several methods to gain their customers’ interest, to maintain their customers’ interest, and to give customers a reason to visit other pages on their shop. Read about the 10 methods below.

5 min readOct 30, 2019


1. Video

Danish Skin Care grabs customers’ attention with a video. The video sits on their front page above the fold. In it, the owner of the company, Mads Timmerman, talks about why he started his company and what his main purpose was. The goal, he says, was to get people all across the world to smile much more than they do now.

Through the use of video, you can increase your visitors’ engagement. You can make different types of videos to engage your customers. For instance, you can make videos where you share tips about your product, you can show a video of the benefits of your product, or show a video with your customers. Danish Skin Care shows videos with their customers here.

2. Headline

Use a headline that says something about your product. Don’t focus on functional benefits, but rather your overall purpose, like what Danish Skin Care does on their shop with the headline ”Beauty with a smile”.

What Danish Skin Care is excelling at here is that they know that they should place their most important message above the fold, so that visitors can see it when they enter the shop without requiring them to scroll to the next section.

3. Pictures

Your visitors are more likely to remember pictures than text. Stats show that most people will remember 65% of the visual content they have seen, but only 15% of the written content. Danish Skin Care is using:

  • High quality, high resolution and detailed product pictures
  • Pictures of people, allowing customers to relate to the brand
  • User-generated content, showing pictures from customers, including before and after pictures
  • Provocative pictures, as they display the actual problems people have with their skin
  • Brand-related pictures, where they use only pictures related to their brand with a focus on skincare

Take a look at this blog, if you need inspiration for choosing the right pictures for your shop.

4. CTAs

You will have no doubts about what Danish Skin Care wants you to do when you visit their shop. You may choose to click the buttons “shop now” or “watch video”. Give your customer clear directions with a call-to-action that indicates what you want them to do now.

5. USPs

So, your customers know why they should choose you. Danish Skin Care communicates 3 qualities: Honesty, efficacy and simplicity. They do something exceptionally good here: Sometimes web shops communicate their advantages in just one word but forget to explain how to put their qualities into practice. Being able to describe how you implement your benefits also creates trust.

6. White spaces

Make your content easy to consume in order to improve intelligibility for your visitors. This means that if you create white spaces around your design elements, you will improve visitor comprehension. Stats show that white spaces increase visitor comprehension by 20%.

7. Speed:

When visitors access your site, they want to immediately know what they can expect from your shop. However, if your shop is too slow, visitors will instead go to another shop where they are able to find what they are searching for.

Check your speed here and optimize if necessary here.

8. Mobile-friendly

If the text is too small to read, the navigation bar is hard to find, or it’s difficult to hit the CTA or the links, then customers will definitely get frustrated and leave your shop immediately.

Customers will access your shop on mobile devices because they have their phone on them all day; when they’re at work, out running or at home. Today, customers spend 69% of their media time on their smartphones. Therefore, it is extremely important that they have a great experience, and that they have the same experience as when they visit your shop on a desktop.

Test if your shop is mobile-friendly here.

9. Social proof

Customers are convinced to buy from you if they get the idea that your products work. You can give them this idea by using recommendations from existing customers.

Danish Skin Care shows social proof at the top of the front page, so new customers visiting the shop immediately know that existing customers like Danish Skin Care. Danish Skin Care also shows videos of customers, bloggers, Youtubers, etc. to improve their social proof.

10. Landing pages

This may be common sense and something that everybody knows, but it’s not enough to know. It must also be put into practice. Your landing page should be consistent with the same content you use for Google Ads, SoMe, and other channels. Consistency means that you use the same words, the same pictures and the same colours on your landing page, that you have used in your ad.

Give customers what they expect in the way they expect it. If you use different messages, they will be disappointed and frustrated, as they will not get to see and read what they had hoped for. It’s the same as if you walk into a restaurant because they’re promoting a vegetarian dish on the boards, but you find it to be missing from the menu.

Give customers what they expect in the way they expect it. If you use different messages, they will be disappointed and frustrated, as they will not get to see and read what they had hoped for.

Video, headlines, picturs,CTAs, USPs, speed, white spaces, mobile friendly shop, social proof, and landing pages reduce your bounce rate.

Always remember to test what works, and what doesn’t work, and test only one thing at a time, so that you are able to identify what measures reduced your bounce rate the most. If you know what’s beneficial for you to focus on, you also know what to focus on even more in the future.

Visit other blogs from ViaBill here.




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