Announcing ViableVentures

Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2021

Being a startup founder is hard. Raising capital, finding and retaining good talent and getting to market quickly are some of the biggest challenges facing founders today — and COVID hasn’t made any of that any easier. For founders, just knowing if an agency or engineer is any good can be hard enough and if they can find someone they would like to work with, there’s still the issue of coming up with the money to fund the work (or the issue of giving up equity).

Today, I’m excited to announce ViableVentures — the world’s first crowdfunding platform which matches founders directly with vetted product professionals. With ViableVentures, startups can create a campaign, raise capital in the platform and match with development, product and design talent. It streamlines the work of raising capital and takes the guesswork out of having to find a product team that is affordable and quality.

We are planning on opening the product up in a few months to a small group of startups. If you are interested in learning more about ViableVentures or getting on our early beta invite list, sign up over at our site here —

