Historical Landmarks: Gaudí in Barcelona

Ricardo NL Goncalves
Viagens Com Estória
2 min readJan 1, 2021

Few people left more Historical Landmarks in any city than Gaudí in Barcelona…

Antoni Gaudí is the greatest exponent of Catalan architecture and one of the greatest Spanish architects ever. He is known for his strong inspiration in Nature and Religion and the use of ceramics, stained glass and wrought iron.

Its main works were classified by UNESCO as World Heritage. The most emblematic — and also one of the most visited monuments in Spain — is the Sagrada Familia, which you can see above.

Gaudi was responsible for the Nativity Façade and the Crypt of this minor basilica. Despite his somewhat early death, his influence and general planning are quite evident in practically every detail of this great Christian temple.

In second place of this list, I present you Park Güell. This park was built in 1857 and from there you can have a fantastic view over Barcelona!

This park was intended to be a luxury urbanization, framed in Nature, however only two houses were built. And beware that none of them was designed by Gaudí! He simply acquired one of them.

Years after his death, the Municipality of Barcelona acquired the space and opened it to the public.

Not to be missed too, there are two “houses” very close to each other, in Passeig de Gràcia.

They are Casa Milà (also known as La Pedrera, above) and Casa Batló (below).

Both with their curvilinear shapes that clash with the more traditional buildings that surround them.

Finally, I also highlight some of the lamps that are spread throughout the city and that were also idealized by Gaudí.

Gaudí passed away in 1926, after an accident, but he left incredible marks in the beautiful city of Barcelona.

Make sure to visit it!



Ricardo NL Goncalves
Viagens Com Estória

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