Historical Landmarks: Saint John’s Co-Cathedral, Valeta

Ricardo NL Goncalves
Viagens Com Estória
2 min readDec 10, 2020

St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta, is one of the Historic Landmarks not to be missed in Malta. Yes, we recognize that it’s not a very common name, but it’s what it is… The reason? It is simple: a Co-Cathedral is a Cathedral that shares the seat of the Bishop with another Cathedral.

In Malta’s case, there are two cathedrals: St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta and St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral in Mdina.

The St. John’s Co-Cathedral is located in the center of the walled city of Valeta. And I easily consider it the second most beautiful church I have been to in my life!

Do you know why?

Look at its interior…

Although it can even go unnoticed from the outside, this church has a very rich decoration. It was built by the Order of St. John (Order of the Knights Templar) between 1572 and 1577 and has several chapels inside.

Each of these chapels belongs to the Langues (divisions) of the Templars:

  • Chapel of the Langue of Auvergne
  • Chapel of the Langue of Aragon
  • Chapel of the Langue of Castile, Leon and Portugal
  • Chapel of the Anglo-Bavarian Langue
  • Chapel of the Langue of Provence
  • Chapel of the Langue of France
  • Chapel of the Langue of Italy
  • Chapel of the Langue of Germany

Besides all these chapels, the ceiling of the Cathedral is another great attraction.

In it are painted several scenes of the life of St. John the Baptist, which are described by the audioguide included in the ticket to visit the Cathedral.

Another attraction is a huge painting from Caravaggio that represents the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist. It is a truly incredible painting, which you can see at the Oratory, but you can’t photograph.

The entrance fee is €10 for adults, €7.50 for students and seniors and free for children up to 12 years old.

As already mentioned, the entrance ticket includes an audio guide, available in several languages.



Ricardo NL Goncalves
Viagens Com Estória

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