Viarium vs Everyone else
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5 min readJul 9, 2018

Virtual reality is about to hit the mass market. And it’s logical that there are a lot of projects building a VR infrastructure for businesses. What is the difference between them and Viarium?, one may ask. Let’s figure it out!

You all know that Viarium is a space with a fully decentralized VR architecture. It was designed to make it easier for users and companies to create virtual spaces for presenting and promoting their products.

Let us introduce you to other participants to make it clear and honest.


Decentraland creates a virtual reality platform, whose consumers will be able to create, buy and sell virtual items, applications and other kinds of content. The platform is mainly focused on “a virtual game space” creation, that is owned by their consumers. The participants of the platform may buy virtual land and use it to create cities, parks, trade centres and other facilities.
The main centralised rival of the project is Second Life, a virtual gaming platform launched in 2003 by a San Francisco company “Linden Labs”, that has already become very popular. The number of registered accounts in Second Life exceeds that of several tens of millions; among these users are universities, state institutions of various countries, and religious organisations.

The main problem of Second Life is its harsh censorship policy. Since 2007, the platform banned gambling, following a change in the US legislation. This decision of the operating company was violently criticised by the users of the gaming platform. The Woodbury University in California was twice refused access to the platform because its students were implicated in the creation of content unauthorised on the platform.

The creators of the Decentraland platform believe that the decentralised character of their platform would address the demand of the community for a freer virtual world. A world that would give the authority over the content on the platform to the participants rather than to its management.
So far the platform has worked in quite a limited regime: its graphics and textures are far from perfect. The decision to use the Ethereum blockchain as the base for Decentraland, has already caused concern. In December 2017, because of the popularity of the CryptoKitties game, Ethereum experienced hours-long transaction delays. Will the ecosystem manage such scalability as Second Life, which already has millions of simultaneous users?
The Silicon Age, that is the name of the final stage of the Decentraland’s roadmap — is expected to launch in 2018 but, according to rumours, the launch has been postponed to 2019, which also testifies to the difficulty of launching a counterpart of Second Life in a decentralised format.


While Decentraland is building its own virtual gaming world, Arcona is an augmented reality platform. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality means creating virtual content attached to certain geographic locations in the real world. The most easy-to-understand example of augmented reality is the game PokemonGo: the players used gadgets to catch pokemons, virtual creatures hidden in different places all over the world. Similarly to Decentraland, Arcona is based on the Ethereum blockchain.

The participants of Arcona have a possibility to buy digital lots of land in real cities across the world. The consumers can use them to install their own virtual projects, place advertisements, open virtual stores, launcр games or shows. Other participants of the platform will be able to participate in these projects with the help of their smartphones, tablets and special VR headsets. The main advantage of Arcona for businesses, is a possibility to launch virtual projects in any place on the planet, regardless of their own location.

In Arcona, blockchain is necessary to regulate relations between users. Smart contracts help to protect author’s usage rights and his content. They also ensure the automatic payment of the fees to the content creators and to the digital asset owners.
The beta launch of the platform is planned at the end of 2018. By 2020, a global decentralised network of augmented reality is expected to exist, covering an area of up to 40,000 sq. km.


The Mark.Space project works to build a decentralised economy for virtual and augmented reality. The platform proposes to create virtual spaces for business and entertainment: shops, offices, and game simulators.
The content is hosted on the platform is planned to be stored in a number of decentralised repositories offered by the miners of the ecosystem. But the platform itself, already existing as a prototype, has so far only worked with centralised servers. Similarly to previous projects, the platform uses the Ethereum blockchain in order to create smart contracts.
One of the advantages of the platform (and its shortcoming at the same time) is the fact that the platform currently supports all the Internet browsers and can be watched on ordinary computers and smartphones without any use of VR equipment.


Cappasity focuses on content creators in virtual and augmented reality. According to its founders, the AR/VR market, while developing with breathtaking speed, greatly suffers from a lack of quality content. The Cappasity decentralised platform allows participants to create, place, exchange and sell 3D content (music, video, animation etc.)
As in the case of Arcona, the main function of blockchain in the Cappasity project is to protect author’s rights for the content and to regulate the payments of fees to its creators.
The prototype of Cappasity has already been launched. The Ease 3D Scan platform allows creating 3D models for any object, that are available for testing.


The platform aims to design a VR based space with unlimited opportunities for business and entertainment. There are a lot of options for you to explore and even create your own piece of land. Here, entrepreneurs can build virtual galleries, shops or any other facilities to showcase their projects from a new perspective. While customers can attend a concert, go to a casino, walk around a neighborhood, test-drive a car or visit an exhibition all within a 360 degree virtual Universe.

Viarium offers:
— unified infrastructure for business and entertainment
— a decentralized system of virtual worlds, independent of any hosters
— wireless access points
— compatibility with a variety of headsets

There are no geographic or custom boundaries. With its concept of a new reality in a free jurisdiction, Viarium has no limits to what you can build.

Still, have any questions about us versus other projects? The fastest way to get all the answers is to join our Telegram group— Support team will be glad to help you.


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