Holy Week in Mexico: Tradition, Rituals, Destinations and Celebrations

Vibe Adventures
Published in
7 min readFeb 7, 2024
La Pietá Sculpture
La Pietá Sculpture

Welcome to our guide about Holy Week in Mexico! Get ready for an adventure exploring the colorful traditions and important cultural meanings of this special celebration.

What is Holy Week?

Holy Week, also known as Semana Santa, is a momentous religious observance in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the final week of Jesus Christ’s life, including his crucifixion and resurrection. Celebrated in numerous countries worldwide, such as Mexico, Guatemala, and Spain, Holy Week carries profound cultural and spiritual importance.

In Mexico, Holy Week is a time of profound religious devotion and beautiful traditions. Before Easter Sunday, there are big parades, plays showing stories from the Bible, and sincere prayers. Everyone, no matter where they’re from, joins in these traditions, showing how important Catholicism is in Mexican culture.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday

While Holy Week is important in Mexico, Spain, and other countries. Each country adds its unique flavor to its customs and traditions. In Mexico, people celebrate Holy Week together as a community. They have lively parades and colorful decorations.

Holy Week usually happens in late March or early April, following the Christian calendar. It starts with Palm Sunday, remembering when Jesus entered Jerusalem, and ends with Easter Sunday, celebrating when he came back to life. Both in Mexico and Spain, Holy Week is a time to think, renew your spirit, and come together as a community to honor Jesus’ important moments.

Holy Week is a grand event for Catholics in Mexico
Holy Week is a grand event for Catholics in Mexico

Holy Week in Mexico

Traditions and Customs in Mexico

During Holy Week in Mexico, lots of special things happen that are important for both religion and culture. One cool thing people do is make beautiful carpets out of sawdust called “alfombras,” which decorate the streets for parades.

These carpets are made very carefully with bright colors and detailed patterns showing religious symbols and stories from the Bible. They show how much people love their faith and how talented they are.

Parades are also a big deal during Holy Week in Mexico. Communities get together to act out the events from Jesus Christ’s last days. They wear special clothes and carry statues and crosses while singing songs and saying prayers. These parades help people remember Jesus’ journey to crucifixion and make them feel closer to each other.

Another important tradition during Holy Week in Mexico is putting on plays called “Passion Plays” or “Stations of the Cross.” These plays tell the story of Jesus’ tough times, from when he was betrayed to when he came back to life.

By doing these plays, communities don’t just retell Jesus’ sacrifice story; they also think about what it means for them. Holy Week in Mexico is a special time when people think deeply about their faith, come together to worship, and celebrate their culture. It’s a time when old traditions bring believers closer in their love and dedication to God.

Spiritualism in Mexico is very important
Spiritualism in Mexico is very important

Destinations in Mexico for Holy Week

Taxco, Guerrero

During Holy Week in Taxco, Guerrero, people show a lot of love for their religion and celebrate their culture. The streets are busy with colorful parades, pretty sawdust carpets, and fancy decorations.

A highlight of Taxco’s Holy Week is the creation of “alfombras,” adding a colorful path for solemn processions. Throughout the week, locals and visitors partake in various religious activities like the Stations of the Cross and dramatizations of biblical stories. They march in solemn processions, contemplating Jesus’ love and sacrifice. Taxco’s blend of historic architecture and devout atmosphere makes it a prime location to experience Holy Week traditions in Mexico.

Taxco, Guerreo, Mexico
Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico

Iztapalapa, Mexico City

In this part of Mexico City, Holy Week is all about acting out Jesus’ story before he was crucified. People from the area and tourists come together to watch or join the Via Crucis procession, which shows what happened to Jesus before he died.

During Holy Week in Iztapalapa, the streets become like theaters for plays about Jesus’ life and prayers. These shows make you feel like you’re there with Jesus during his tough times. Whether you’re watching or taking part, it’s a time to think deeply about Jesus’ sacrifice and why Easter is so special to Christians everywhere.

The plays in Iztapalapa are a must-visit experience!
The plays in Iztapalapa are a must-visit experience!

San Luis Potosi

In the beautiful San Luis Potosí, Holy Week mixes religion with nature’s beauty. With mountains and rivers around, people from the area and tourists come together for church services and parades. Wearing traditional clothes, they walk with colorful floats showing Jesus’ stories, which brings everyone closer and shows respect for their community.

One special thing about Holy Week in San Luis Potosí is the Procession of Silence. This event remembers Jesus’ tough times and his death. It’s a quiet and serious time that makes everyone think and feel respectful.

Holy Week in Mexico Procession
Holy Week in Mexico Procession

Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato

In Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Holy Week unfolds with a blend of faith and festivity. This town, steeped in historical significance, comes alive with traditions and ceremonies honoring Jesus’ sacrifice.

In Dolores Hidalgo, Holy Week is known for its big parades with fancy floats showing stories from the Bible. People sing and pray together, feeling close and friendly. Holy Week in Dolores Hidalgo is a time for celebrating and thinking, which makes friendships and faith stronger in the community.

Holy Week Experience
Holy Week Experience

Patzcuaro, Michoacan

In this place, Holy Week is a mix of old customs and Catholic traditions. This pretty town is famous for its old buildings and indigenous history. During Holy Week, there are lots of religious things to do and fun celebrations.

In Patzcuaro during Holy Week, both locals and tourists join in ceremonies, parades, and events honoring Jesus. One big tradition is acting out the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, which is when Jesus had his last meal with his friends.

All week long, the streets of Patzcuaro are busy with parades, music, and dancing, making everyone happy. Churches look nice with fancy decorations, and they’re places for praying and thinking together, which makes people feel close and connected in their faith.

Patzcuaro Convent
Patzcuaro Convent


In the fabulous Oaxaca, Holy Week is a time when lots of cultural things happen, mixing old customs with Catholic beliefs. This part of Mexico has a colorful culture, and during Holy Week, everyone comes together for religious events and parties.

One big thing in Oaxaca during Holy Week is making pretty carpets out of sawdust called “alfombras.” These carpets decorate the streets for religious parades. Families get together to make these colorful artworks, showing how creative and devoted they are.

All through Holy Week, Oaxaca puts on plays called “pastorelas,” which tell stories from the Bible. These plays are exciting and help people remember important things about Jesus’ life and what he did. They make everyone feel proud of their culture and faith.

Oaxaca’s Convent
Oaxaca’s Convent

Traditional Food

During Holy Week in Mexico, the food is a big part of the celebrations, showing both culture and religion. Capriotada, a kind of bread pudding with cheese, cinnamon, and dried fruits, reminds people of Jesus’ suffering on the cross.

Tortitas de camarón, or shrimp cakes, are popular on Good Friday when Catholics don’t eat meat. Romeritos, a stew made with a green herb called “romero,” along with potatoes, dried shrimp, and mole sauce, reminds people of Jesus’ crown of thorns and the cross with ingredients like nopales (cactus pads) and shrimp patties. Also, people enjoy dishes like bacalao, which is salted codfish, and empanadas de vigilia, meatless turnovers with cheese, potatoes, or seafood.

During Holy Week, families get together to cook and share these special foods, making them feel closer to each other and their faith. These meals aren’t just about eating — they’re reminders of religious stories and family connections passed down through generations. Sharing these meals helps people feel closer to their faith and each other during this special time.



In Mexico, Holy Week is a time for thinking about beliefs, celebrating culture, and being close with family. Whether you’re in a busy city or a quiet town, Holy Week is everywhere, bringing people together. With colorful parades, serious ceremonies, and yummy food, Mexicans remember Jesus’ sacrifices and their traditions and culture.

During Holy Week, families keep their special traditions alive and make new memories, feeling spiritually refreshed and connected as a community. No matter where they live or how much money they have, Mexicans come together to show their faith, make their community stronger, and enjoy their shared traditions. Holy Week reminds everyone how important faith, love, ancient roots, and sticking together is, making life richer and more meaningful for everyone.

Informative Video

Holy Week in Mexico: Iztapalapa Play



Vibe Adventures

Hey there! I love writing about travel-related stuff. Also, I'm really into rock music, indie films, history books, and painting. 💚