Pulque in Mexico: Nectar of the Aztecs, Spirit of the People

Vibe Adventures
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2024
Pulque in Mexico: The beverage of the gods
Pulque in Mexico: The beverage of the gods

Curious about this old Mexican drink? Come with us to learn about pulque — its history, different flavors, and why it’s important in Mexico!

What is Pulque and its History?

Pulque is a special Mexican drink made from the sap of the maguey plant. It’s been around for a long time, connecting with the Aztec and Toltec civilizations. To them, pulque wasn’t just a drink; they thought it was sacred and used it in special ceremonies for the gods.

Making pulque begins by getting the sweet sap from the maguey plant, called aguamiel. They let it sit and ferment. This fizzy drink was a big deal in celebrations and ceremonies. People even thought it could heal you. In the time of the Aztecs, pulque was linked to Mayahuel, the goddess of the maguey plant. Everybody, no matter who they were, drank it, and it was a super important part of their culture.

Even though fewer people liked pulque for a while when other drinks came in, it’s making a comeback now. Nowadays, it’s a symbol of Mexican history and culture, and everyone, both locals and visitors, can enjoy a sip of it.

Pulque in jicara, in Chalcatongo, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico
Pulque in jicara, in Chalcatongo, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico

What is a Curado?

Now, let’s talk about “curados” — they’re like a fun and tasty version of pulque. To make a curado, they mix pulque with things like fruit juices, herbs, or chili peppers, making it even more refreshing and yummy.

Curados have lots of different flavors, like ones you know, such as pineapple or strawberry, and some that might sound different, like oatmeal or celery. It means there are many tasty choices for people who want to try different kinds of pulque.

Pulque Museum Curados
Pulque Museum Curados

Pulque Process: A Mystical Art Rooted in Tradition

Making pulque is like a magical trip that’s a big part of Mexican culture. It all starts with the maguey plant, which is like a special treasure in Mexico. They pick the “piña,” or the heart of the maguey, and get the sweet sap, called “aguamiel.”

The sap sits for a while to ferment, which means the natural sugars turn into alcohol. That’s what gives pulque its slightly tangy taste and fizzy bubbles. After the fermenting is done, you get this special drink with a mix of sour, sweet, and earthy flavors.

For hundreds of years, Mexicans have loved this kind of milky-white, somewhat thick liquid. It’s like a symbol of their culture, showing off their history and the things they do.

The history of pulque is a very important and interesting part of Mexico
The history of Pulque is a very important and interesting part of Mexico

States Celebrating Pulque Excellence

Making pulque is a big deal in some states known for growing lots of maguey plants. States like Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, and the State of Mexico are famous for making good pulque.

In each place, pulque tastes a bit different because of the kinds of maguey they use and how they make it, something that’s been passed down for a long time. These states are proud of their way of making pulque and love to show off the real flavors of this old-timey drink.

Where to Find Pulquerías in Mexico?

Go on an adventure to find the coolest spots to enjoy this super old and tasty drink loved by the gods:

  • Mexico City: Right in the middle of Mexico City, there are lots of places called pulquerías where you can try this classic drink. Places like La Nuclear and El Templo de Diana are lively spots that don’t just have pulque but also let you get into Mexico’s way of life and meet people.
  • State of Mexico: In places near Toluca, Metepec, and Texcoco, there are spots called pulquerías, like La Hija del Pueblo and El Zacapense. You can try the real taste of this old-style drink there. Feel the local way of doing things and enjoy the regular flavors of pulque while you’re at it.
  • Tlaxcala: Check out Tlaxcala’s pulquerías, like La Bendición and La Misión. They give you a real experience in the main city and different towns in the state. Each place has its own feel, letting you enjoy pulque in a regular setting.
  • Puebla: In Puebla City, places like La Pasita, La Hidalgo, and La Ruta de Don Porfirio are cool spots where you can try real pulque. Take a stroll around the city to find some hidden gems that mix local ways with the long story of pulque.
  • Hidalgo: In Pachuca, Hidalgo, there are places called pulquerías, like El Templo de Diana, La Hortaliza, and La Chilindrina. They invite you to try out tradition in the middle of the interesting local way of doing things.
Pulque stand at Carnival in Peñon de los Baños, Mexico City
Pulque stand at Carnival in Peñon de los Baños, Mexico City

Come along on this cool trip into the world of pulque, where history, tradition, and yummy taste all come together. It’s like a journey as exciting and colorful as Mexico itself. Here’s to the old drink that keeps making people super happy! Cheers! 🌮🌵🍹 🌵🍹


To finish up our fun look at pulque in Mexico, we’ve traveled through the really old places and stories that make this special drink. Starting with the Aztecs and to now, pulque isn’t just a drink — it’s proof of Mexico’s awesome history and lasting customs.

While we enjoy the different types of pulque, like the regular ones and the fun curados, we see it’s more than just a drink. It’s like a taste that shows off Mexico’s cool way of making things and being friendly. Making pulque is an old craft, like a magical trip, connecting us with hundreds of years of important cultural stuff.

Going to places like Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, and the State of Mexico, we found spots where pulque isn’t just a drink — it’s like a big deal. Each pulquería, whether in busy Mexico City or cute towns in Tlaxcala, doesn’t just have pulque; it lets you really feel the lively way of life in Mexico.

As we lift our glasses to pulque, we’re not just cheering for a drink; we’re toasting to something that’s been around for a really long time. Pulque is like a symbol of people coming together, keeping traditions alive, and the strong spirit of Mexico that never goes away.

So, as you start your own pulque adventure, may every sip remind you of the old times, celebrate the now, and promise a special culture in every drop of this ancient drink. Cheers to pulque, like a liquid friend representing the heart and soul of Mexico! 🌮🌵🍹

Informative Video

Pulque in Mexico: Exploring the history of pulque with us!



Vibe Adventures

Hey there! I love writing about travel-related stuff. Also, I'm really into rock music, indie films, history books, and painting. 💚