Veracruz Food: Traditional Dishes and Modern Twists

Vibe Adventures
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2024
Photo by Roberto Carlos Román Don on Unsplash

Veracruz is a special place in Mexico. It has forests, snowy mountains, beaches, and cute towns. But what makes Veracruz really special is its yummy food and great coffee. Let’s learn about the tasty Veracruz food that you can try!

What’s so great about Veracruz food?

Veracruz food is super important in Mexican cooking. Why? Because it mixes sea and land foods in its dishes. Veracruz has a big port, so it’s famous for seafood. There’s even a fish dish named after Veracruz!

Veracruz is also known for coffee. You can’t say you’ve been to Veracruz without a good cup of coffee there. The Veracruz food and coffee are so good that people say, “Only Veracruz is beautiful.” That’s a famous saying in Mexico!

Now, let’s look at some yummy Veracruz food you should try:

  1. Picaditas

Picaditas area classic Veracruz food. They’re like little corncakes with pinched edges. The edges hold the toppings, which are usually just sauce, onion, and cheese. What makes picaditas special is their tasty sauces and soft dough.

2. Pambazos

Veracruz pambazos are different from those in other parts of Mexico. They’re not red and don’t have chorizo and potatoes inside. Some people say the first pambazos came from Veracruz. The story goes that an emperor’s wife asked her cook to make food that looked like the top of a volcano. That’s how pambazos were born!

3. Bocol

Bocoles are another yummy Veracruz food. They’re like thick tortillas that can be filled with beans, cheese, or beef fat. At first, bocoles were just plain, with no filling. But over time, people started adding more stuff to make them tastier.

4. Chilpachole

Remember how Veracruz has a big port? Well, that means lots of seafood in Veracruz food! Chilpachole is a tasty seafood soup. It can be made with crab, shrimp, or fish. It has tomatoes, onions, and chilies. Some people say it came from France, but now it’s a big part of Veracruz food.

5. Pescado a la Veracruzana (Veracruz-style fish)

This is the famous fish dish named after Veracruz! It started when Spanish people came to Mexico. They brought olives and spices, which got mixed with local tomatoes, chilies, and fish. Now it’s a favorite Veracruz food all over Mexico.

6. Zacahuil

Zacahuil is a giant tamale from the Huasteca area of Veracruz. It’s made with chilies, spices, and pork or chicken. Cooking zacahuil takes a long time — about 15 hours! This Veracruz food shows how important tradition and history are in Veracruz cooking.

7. Bomba

Bomba is a sweet bread filled with salty stuff like beans and cheese. It sounds weird, but it’s super tasty! People love to eat it for breakfast at a famous place called La Parroquia. They drink it with café lechero (coffee with milk), which is like a coffee latte. It’s a must-try Veracruz food experience!

8. Chileatole

Chileatole is an old Veracruz food that mixes corn drink (atole) with chili. Long ago, it was drunk with cocoa and sometimes honey. Spanish people thought it was too spicy, so they made a sweeter version without chili. In Veracruz, people often eat chileatole with chicken.

9. Torito

Torito isn’t food, but it’s a famous Veracruz drink. It’s sweet and creamy, made with milk, peanuts, and alcohol from sugarcane. Sometimes, people add coffee or fruit flavors. It’s often served at parties and celebrations in Veracruz. Some people say it’s like a dessert you can drink!

10. Coffee

We can’t talk about Veracruz food without mentioning coffee again. Veracruz people love coffee so much; it’s like it’s part of their blood! In some Veracruz towns, there are more coffee plants than people. If you love coffee, you have to visit Veracruz.

Coffee is almost sacred for Veracruz people
Coffee is almost sacred for Veracruz people

Why is Veracruz food so special?

Veracruz food is special because it tells a story. It’s a mix of old Mexican foods and things that Spanish people brought long ago. The Veracruz food you eat today is like tasting history!

Also, Veracruz has great land and sea food. This means Veracruz food can use fresh fish from the sea and yummy fruits and veggies from the land. This makes Veracruz food very varied and delicious.

Another thing that makes Veracruz food special is how it’s made. Many dishes take a long time to cook, like zacahuil. This shows how much Veracruz people care about their food. They don’t mind spending hours to make something tasty!

Veracruz food is also special because it’s not as famous as food from other parts of Mexico. This makes it like a hidden treasure. When people try Veracruz food, they’re often surprised by how good it is!

Nature in Veracruz and its environment is another factor for their delicious food
Nature in Veracruz and its environment is another factor in their delicious food

Trying Veracruz food

If you want to try Veracruz food, the best thing to do is visit Veracruz! But if you can’t go there, look for Mexican restaurants in your area. Some might have Veracruz dishes.

You could also try making Veracruz food at home. Look for recipes online or in Mexican cookbooks. Start with something simple like picaditas or Veracruz-style fish.

Remember, Veracruz food is more than just eating. It’s about enjoying the mix of flavors, understanding the history, and feeling the love that Veracruz people put into their cooking.

So, are you hungry yet? Veracruz food is waiting for you to taste it! Whether it’s spicy chileatole, fresh seafood, or a sweet bomba with coffee, Veracruz food has something for everyone. Don’t forget to finish your meal with a glass of torito. Enjoy your Veracruz food adventure!

Veracruz coffee is a must for coffee enthusiasts



Vibe Adventures

Hey there! I love writing about travel-related stuff. Also, I'm really into rock music, indie films, history books, and painting. 💚