Amazing lessons George Carlin can teach creators

Inspiration creators (comedic and otherwise) can take from George Carlin’s life and approach.

Matt Ruby
Vibe Control


This piece is from the Rubesletter by Matt Ruby (comedian, writer, and the creator of Vooza). Sign up to get it in your inbox weekly.

With the release of the new Carlin doc, I decided to review a bunch of stuff I’ve seen/read/written about Carlin in the past to hone in on what made him so unique/great.

Part 1: 15 lessons in comedy creativity from George Carlin
Part 2: 15 more lessons on creating like George Carlin

I’ve collected all the tips below…

Speak the truth of what you feel

Bill Burr:

[When he spoke,] you always felt like you were hearing the truth, or his truth. He was giving you the truth of what he felt, which most of us don’t do. It’s refreshing to listen to another human being tell you exactly how they feel, even if it’s 180 degrees removed from what you agree with.

(source: The Strange Afterlife of George Carlin)

Deliberately cross the line — in service of ideas

George Carlin:

I like to bother people. [I try to figure out] where the line is drawn, and then deliberately cross it and drag the audience with you. And have them happy



Matt Ruby
Vibe Control

Comedian/writer. I just want all the right things to be in the wrong place.