Emily Smith
Vibe Rant Chic
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2014


Photo Cred: We Heart It

What it’s REALLY like to be 24

In the song, Feeling 22 by Taylor Swift, she explains that, ‘everything will be alright, if we just keep dancing like we’re 22.’ Because we cannot relate to anything TSwift spews, and no one really talks about the normalcy of Feeling 24, we have accumulated this list below.

Here, you will find 24 truths about being 24.

And no, dancing does not always make everything alright, unless Clean Bandit “Rather Be” (The Magician Remix) is playing. We totally advise you to click on the link above and listen to the bumping beat while reading on … !

  1. If asked to describe 24 using one adjective, unsettled takes the cake; not determined or resolved.
  2. Friendships are found in unexpected situations, and those weak ties are what leads to mad perks.
  3. You plan events months in advance so you and your besties have something to talk about leading up to it. Then when it’s over, you start planning the next thing immediately or there’s literally nothing to look forward to.
  4. Life, even with all of its complications, is still fun.

5. It’s okay if you pass the Kamchatka without taking a swig straight from the bottle, at 24 you can sip top shelf liquor like Johnnie Walker Blue on the rocks.

6. Networking. Networking. Networking. Almost every conversation can be considered networking.

7. Most of your college friends become acquaintances, but the ones that stick around are all you really want or need. At 24 you know who is a true.

8. You move back home and reunite with high school friends, making it 2008 all over again. .08 ….. Legally Gone, until you come back.

9. Your network grows through merging of college and high school friends. You can’t believe you didn’t know your best friend from high school’s roommate and BFF in college until now! We all live & party happily together.

10. You have A LOT less sex.

11. Often times you get trapped in a social circle, which becomes very repetitive. You then find yourself asking, should I just adventure to another city? It would only be for like, 2 or 3 years. I’m OBVIOUSLY going to move back home.

12. Others are very willing to help you, if you just ask. This is how you get free Chipotle after it’s allegedly closed, and an ice cream cookie sandwich, with candles, because it’s your half birthday.

13. Instead of sitting through a lecture in your favorite class about video games and learning, you now educate yourself through the internet. Thanks Thrillist, Business Insider, Elite Daily, Facebook News Feed, Daily Beast, Tumblr, CNN, 60 Minutes, The Daily Show, Buzzfeed, Instagram & Vibe Rant Chic.

14. You embrace uncomfortable situations, which happen 85% of the time, and take them head on.

15. Your parents are still all up in your biznass. You almost expect that call Sunday morning, “So how was your night?”

16. Often times, creepy older men/women will hit on you. Ugh you can’t even….until you find out they play professional basketball. Then you must.

17. You tell yourself all throughout college that you better live it up because after graduation, that lifestyle becomes inappropriate. However, you find yourself still smoking those Camel Crushes and making out with 20 year olds in da club 2 years later. But can you really be considered a cougar at 24?

18. You come to the realization that the two most important skills you learned in college were cutting a line and maneuvering through a large crowd. This makes you really popular at music festivals.

19. What you don’t like becomes as important as what you do like, which comes in handy when needing to make an important decision.

20. You’re constantly annoyed that you’re not already the CEO of the company you work for. You could DEFINITELY be running this better, even if you’re still unsure this job even makes you happy.

21. Money matters, in a big way, mainly because its all on you. Should you save that extra $200 this month for your future, or buy those shoes you’ve been obsessing over since you saw them five minutes ago?

22. The time when you miss your mom the most is when you’re doing laundry, or cooking, or cleaning, or you’re sick, or you need to change the lightbulb that has been burnt out for the past 4 months.

23. Flirting with Commitment — People your age are starting to get engaged and married, which terrifies you, making you question if you’re going to die alone.

24. Even though you feel archaic, everyone envies how young you still are.

While feeling 24 is not always easy, being 24 is easier knowing we’re all in this together. We encourage you to shine on to the quarter of a century mark! We’ll meet you there, with a glass of sparkling rosé to celebrate.

