5 Creative And Innovative Writing Ideas to Make Money Online

Jason Chesters
Vibe Tech Media
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2019


Writing in a creative way of showing your wondrous talent. Not everyone can write well, so you should use this creative talent wisely. Do you know there are many creative ideas to make money online? If not then read this handy guide that will proffer you with all the creative and innovative ideas on how to make money online.

5 Creative Ideas To Make Money Online


Website Writing

On-Page Writing

Guest Posting


  1. Blogging

Blogging is the first and foremost way to make money online. You can start by establishing a blog on a site like WordPress, a popular CMS( Content Management System) platform that is used by many brands to build their image and create a market standing of their company. You can use this platform for free, and when your blog flourishes and grows then you can take its premium paid version, it will enable you to grow engagement rate and start earning.

You can also use a popular platform like blogger, free journal, Tumblr, Weebly, etc.

Points to consider for effective blog writing

In order to write a perfect blog, you must use a strong command over the language.

You should also make sure to use long-tail keywords to grow your engagement rate.

You must make it informational than promotional.

Avoid using derogatory language in your writing piece.

2. Website Writing

If you have a good command over the language, it can certainly help you with writing content for a website. It is among the popular quick money making ideas that can help you earn well just by sitting at your home. In this type of writing, you need to be careful about the choice of words you are about to use for a product or service that the specific brand offers. As the public is going to understand the brand through your creative writing in order to buy a product or service.

3. On-Page Writing

An On-Page writer is an expert concrete writer. He/she specializes in providing a lot of detailed information in just a few words. The different on-page tasks include:

Meta Title Writing

Description Writing

Webpage Writing

This type of writing doesn’t need any investment but only command over language and proper grammatical skills.

4. Guest Posting

Guest posting is always a way of earning online. In this method, you do not need to establish a blog of your own and post on a regular basis. You have to write for a few brands on different sites like Sooper articles, Apsense, and many others. In order to earn well in this business, you need to be an expert in writing creative and lengthy content.

5. Micro-blogging

Microblogging refers to the type of blogging in which you need to write a blog in just a few words. In this blogging content is written for promotional purposes. It is used widely in SEO for dragging organic traffic.

