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Supporting Managers with an A.I. assistant

Frédéric Peyrot
Vibe Library
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2016


All managers have previously been employees at some point. The biggest difference they notice after raising up the hierarchy ladder is that the higher they get, the less personal feedback they receive. And this lack of regular feedback from the team is probably one of the biggest problems for managers to overcome.

Indeed, most employees regularly receive constant personal feedback, whether from peers or from their direct manager. This helps them navigate through the organization, adjust their behavior and take better informed decisions.

Managers, on the other hand, don’t get as much valuable feedback. Employees are generally scared (often, rightly so) to tell the truth to their managers as they fear it can fireback. This leaves managers in the dark, leading them to navigate with more gut feelings than valuable information from their team.

So at Vibe, furthering our goal to help managers better understand their team members, we have created Topics Insights, as part of Vibe Premium.

Topics Insights is an advanced, yet simple tool which allows managers to monitor how the company activities impact their team’s morale. Powered by artificial intelligence, it assists managers by automatically detecting the most important topics for the team, whether projects, events, or decisions etc. and for each topic, analyzes how team members feel about it.

The Topics Insights dashboard offers advanced visualization displaying indicators such as: the overall impact on the team, their emotional profile and the most involved team members.

The goal of Topics Insights is to help managers adapt their decision making to be more mindful of their team’s feelings as well as anticipate problems instead of reacting to issues after they arise.

How do you get more feedback as a Manager?

Do you have any advice to share with us about how you’re able to get more feedback from the team? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!



Frédéric Peyrot
Vibe Library

COO at AIR (en-japan inc.) building disruptive HR-Tech products. Host of the Father of twin angels.