Vibemap is Live on the App Store & Google Play

Find your Vibe.

Steve Pepple
4 min readJun 10, 2021


Vibemap is a new city discovery app that connects you to meaningful places, events and experiences that match your vibe.

App Store | Google Play

I’m grateful and proud to share that after an unexpected journey during a global pandemic with an amazing team and group of beta users, business owners, community organizers, and creators, we’ve released a brand new version of our city discover app on the Apple Store and Google Play. We’re also hiring writers, photographers, and other creators to help us find and promote good vibes.

Here’s what one of our users had to say:

“Vibemap is more than an exploration tool, it inspires curiosity and awakens that childish inquisitiveness we all thought we’ve outgrown.” — Adaobi Ammana

Here’s a little more about the app and how it works.

What is a Vibe?

A vibe is a hidden vibration or sentiment that most people intuitively feel. We all have vibes. As do cities, places and events. (Also dogs, monkeys and if
we had to name-check only one other non-cat, vibey creature: Birds.)

Why Vibemap?

We believe that in-person, social relationships are crucial to our well-being. Vibes can lead to unexpected sources of connection. We each have an
emotional life whose energy changes. We constantly navigate this changing energy or what we call personal “vibes.” Our mission is to bring people
together in real life in order to create a greater sense of belonging for everyone.

Who is Vibemap for?

Vibemap is for the “city curious”- People who want to get out and explore new places and stay connected to the pulse of the city.

How does Vibemap work?

Vibemap uses location based, natural language processing to match you with the vibes in your city. Vibemap’s recommendation system is always trying
to connect you with places, events and experiences that really match the vibe you search for.

What are Vibemap’s main features?

We use vibes as a way to make finding things to do less daunting and more tailored to you, so you can get out and create real-life relationships and
achieve personal growth.

There are five main features on the Vibemap app that are all designed to help you get out and experience the magic of showing up in real life:

1. Discover

Vibemap uses data science and hand-curation to help you explore cities based on your vibe.

2. Explore

Use Vibemap to find places to go, and things to do, based on vibe, activity, time of day and location.

3. Vibe Check

Check in with your mood and get suggestions for what to do or where to go in the moment.

4. My Vibes

Customize, manage and keep track of your vibes while unlocking rewards for exploring the city.

5. Placelists

Make “placelists” for your friends from out of town, that next trip, a date night…anything!

Were are incredibly indebted to too many people to list. On the technical side of things and also grateful to the Mapbox, React Native, Firebase, Mailchimp communities, which have made this release possible. 🙏

Please give Vibemap a try, leave a rating or review in the app store, and share good vibes with a friend!



Steve Pepple

Co-founder of Vibemap. I write about data, cities, transit, and local government.