What Technology Trends Will Be Impacting Business in 2022

Technology has changed our lives in many ways, and it will continue to do so in the coming decade. Brands will need to adapt to the changes that this brings to stay relevant to their customers. In 2022, we are going to see a lot of connectivity and healthcare innovations, and changes.

Khánh Vi
5 min readMay 26, 2022


In 2022, the world will be a digital place. Digital marketing is a vital component of any brand’s strategy, and it will only get more critical in the future. Brands are no longer reliant on the usual marketing strategies to build their reputation. Instead, they are looking for new ways to connect with their customers. They will invest more in technology to create customer experiences that are personalized, seamless, and frictionless. Let’s discover how brands have incorporated technology to unlock their strategic success.


Connectivity is the next big thing in marketing. Brands increasingly use connectivity to connect with their customers and offer them an extraordinary experience.
Immersive technology has come back to the race and become a hot topic. AR headsets are evolving to be more fashionable, comfortable, and socially acceptable. These improvements will make the technology more accessible for everyone, which will lead to an increase in the number of people who use it. We will see many more augmented reality, virtual reality, and holograms. The idea is to create an environment that allows users to feel like they are in the same room as the person they are connecting with, even if they are on opposite ends. This trend is already visible in our day-to-day lives. We are constantly connecting with our smartphones, tablets, and laptops. For example, Qualcomm and Microsoft have announced a partnership to develop a customized Snapdragon AR chip to power future AR glasses. The partnership comes amid increasing interest and focuses on the “metaverse,” a virtual-reality-based ecosystem that allows users to interact in a fully digital world. It is the first time we have seen such an announcement in the AR industry.

Source: Windows Central

Other case stories of branding in the metaverse(s):

However, as immersive technology grows into the mainstream, the ethics of AR and VR is a critical topic to explore because many ethical questions arise as these technologies become more popular. One question is: should people be allowed to use AR or VR without any limitations? Another question is: what happens when people don’t want to take off their headsets?


The pandemic also demonstrated how the healthcare system has been unable to keep up with the rapid changes, causing bunches of cracks in the system’s foundation, especially in the way we monitor vital data. It is now up to us to make sure that these cracks are not just patched but fixed. We need to create a healthcare system that is seamless and patient-orienting. This will ensure that we can provide the best possible care for our patients and their families by providing them with the correct information at the right time. Furthermore, technology in healthcare should place the connectivity between caregivers and care-receivers at its core. As a result, remote patient diagnostics and monitoring, digital therapeutics, mental wellness, connected fitness, wearables, and telehealth services have the potential to be a game-changer in the way we approach healthcare, as they provide an unprecedented level of detail about an individual’s health. In the future, we will see more and more people wearing fitness trackers and other types of wearables, and this will give medical professionals a lot of insight into their patients’ health.

Garmin Sportwatch with several health-related features

Drilling deeper into the 2022 trends, we see a growing demand for not only smartwatches as a connected medical device but also connected clothing, voice tech, biosensors, and other integrated technologies to monitor, manage, and create momentum when it comes to personal health, family, chronic, and transitional care management. The idea of a pain-free world is not just about solving physical aches and pains. It’s also about alleviating frictions, which take the healthcare industry into a rapid transformation. The latest in-home health monitoring and diagnostic tools are now available for the public. These tools help people keep track of their health, identify any problems, and make informed decisions about how to treat them. It is an exciting time for the healthcare industry, as these new technologies have the potential to save lives at a grander scale than ever before.

The world is changing rapidly. Everything that affects health, food, drink, cleaning supplies, human connection, etc. — has a massive impact on our lives. Vivoo is an at-home urine test service for personalized nutrition and lifestyle advice with wearable integration that genuinely works.

The idea of healthcare at home is based on the theory that people who have chronic health conditions might be better off with care they can manage themselves. It would reduce the need for expensive hospital stays and allow patients to stay in their own homes instead of being institutionalized in a facility. It has been around for decades, but it has just recently started to take off by advances in technology and the advancement of telemedicine. FaceHeart is a perfect example with a mission to improve human health by transforming the healthcare, home automation, and insurance industries through its proprietary video-based rPPG technology. The solution is packed into FH Vitals™ SDK, allowing seamless integration into various settings to measure critical vital signs remotely.

Final thought

As the pandemic is slowly pushed further behind, the lessons it leaves with change the landscape of branding forever. Companies now have a turbocharging force to re-think how they interact with the customers with a growing concern on connectivity and healthcare in a more convenient and human-like way. We have seen breakthroughs and believe that we will see more positive impact created by technology on branding soon. Looking further into the large picture, the technology uplift in connectivity and healthcare is industry-wise. It will cause a halo effect on several related fields, including e-commerce, smart home, and even fashion. We have the right to hope. Stay tuned with us.

