A little less spam and a lottle more action

Matic Magister
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readMay 17, 2018

Time for the next promotion update, don’t you think? Well, we sure do.

We’d *still* like to see a little less spam and a lottle more action. Plus, bring more attention to the artists. After all, they are the very reason why Viberate first came to be. So we’ve finetuned the most recent Promotion Guide and made yet a few tweaks to it.

May the artists take the stage

An important thing to bring attention to are the special links provided in the Participation tab of your Viberate profile, the links we suggest for you to share. As artists have been the vital part of our mission, we’ve decided to do everything in our power to give them some extra extra exposure. So we’ve replaced the links to articles about us with those about the artists that’ve already claimed their Viberate profiles. They’ve shown their support and now we’d like to show ours. Going from one artist to another, the links will change on a weekly basis.

Quality over quantity

The maximum number of posts is now limited to 1 per channel per day. Meaning, you can make one Facebook post and one tweet a day, and that includes shares and retweets as well. Less is more. Once again, we’d also like to point out that your comments under our official posts are greatly appreciated, but are not considered when it comes to calculating the rewards.

That’s it, short and sweet. And don’t worry, there will be a 3-day transition period, when possible violations will be overlooked, so you’ll have plenty of time to adjust to the changes and make them work.

