Add, Cred and Edit: How We Improved Engagement with Focused Tasks

Coming up with new ideas all the time is pretty much one of the commandments of modern business. But is that really all that it takes to succeed? Our project is proving otherwise.

Ksenija Kravetz
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readApr 20, 2020


Sure, some motivation is always welcomed, and agility can help you get ahead, but when it comes down to it, constant pressure to create is usually just that: pressure.

You’ve probably experienced a form of it during this lockdown period, too: on social media, for example, where a barrage of posts is telling you to take action. Pick up a new hobby, impress with today’s challenge, get out of your comfort zone… as though the current circumstances don’t already call for being more comfortable and OK with whatever you’re doing.

Pressure doesn’t always create diamonds, and that insight inspired our improved contribution features.

The challenge

Once you register on Viberate, you’re prompted to start adding artists, venues, events and festivals around you, or the up-and-coming artists you like. Sure, no biggie. But what happens after you’ve added every new entity you can think of?

When we discussed upgrading and improving the contribution experience with our community, we found that some contributors simply get stuck after a while. Like many creative thinkers will tell you, encouraging people to re-examine and explore existing ideas will lead to generating new ones more easily. In gaming terms, sometimes it’s having “quests” that’s the best part.

The hack

With help from our support team, we introduced Tasks. Now, each contributor can open their “My Contribution” section and receive sets of 3 profiles that need editing and updating. Finding and fixing outdated links is our first priority, as the Artist profiles are all about up-to-date and verified content. And since there’s well over 1.5 million profiles on the platform, you can imagine that the “supply” doesn’t run out quickly.

Tasks can be found in each contributor’s “My Contribution” section.

Soon, these task suggestions will also be modified to fit a contributor’s music taste even better, which we hope will also help their never-ending music discovery.

The benefits

Having a strong community that tirelessly pieces together the worldwide music puzzle (over 6,500 edits in March alone!) is a rare privilege. Besides rewarding their valuable time and effort with badges and goodies, it’s these seemingly simple features that truly work wonders for engagement and satisfaction. After all, being skilled in editing also brings you points and extra “cred”, so focusing your energy into perfecting existing stuff is just as important and valuable as chasing new things all the time.

Kind of how it works with everything in life, isn’t it?

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