August was Special

Usually, August is all about drinking cold beers and cocktails with little umbrellas and slices of lime while chilling on the beach. This one, though…

Vasja Veber
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readSep 4, 2020


Much like the majority of 2020, this August was… well… special.

I reeeeeally wanted to use a more appropriate term, but our editor Sara said we need to avoid being potty mouths in our corporate blog. WTF, right?

Anyway, it was special in a way that the Slovenian government put two of our favorite summer destinations, Croatia and Spain, on a so-called red list, meaning if you visit them, you need to self-quarantine for two long weeks. And because no one wants their neighbors to deliver food, toilet paper and booze to them for that long, we decided to switch our focus to launching more neat stuff.

We love our beta testers more than Forrest loved Jenny…

Together with a couple of hundred beta testers (✨ thank you, you’re the best ✨), we tested the living crap (sorry, Sara) out of our analytics tool, and now it’s ready to be launched in a couple of days. With comprehensive analytics features for half a million artists, it will be the perfect post-pandemic tool for everyone who hasn’t given up during the event ban.

Speaking of the event ban — during quarantine, playlists went from being a thing to being *the* thing. Miha went into details here:

… and we adore our contributors more than Bubba adored shrimp.

However, the biggest change came in the form of a completely new contributor dashboard. If our analytics platform is the brain, contributors are the muscles. The completely overhauled My Contribution section is now much more intuitive, offering tasks, detailed personal analytics, tips, achievement overview, and more. We also added new entity and combo badges with totally badass names.

Telling people at your high school reunion that you’ve upgraded to an “Immortal” on Viberate does have that nice ring to it, doesn’t it? If you’re a contributor yourself, you might want to check out a detailed description of the upgrades here:

September will be one of our biggest months so far. Let’s start it by gifting you:

We’re giving away a 20% discount for the first year on any of Viberate’s analytics packages to the first 10 readers who send an email to: with “Special August” in the subject line.
🔥 Fire away! 🔥

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