Digital Music Distribution with Viberate: Go Independent!

Sell your music online, reach a worldwide audience, and keep 100% of your royalties.

Viberate — Music Data Company
4 min readJul 4, 2023


Congratulations! You’ve created music that deserves to be heard. Whether you crafted it in the comfort of your bedroom or recorded it in a professional studio with your band, your music is now ready to reach the masses. While this accomplishment brings a sense of fulfillment, you may also feel that the hardest part is yet to come. Sending demos to labels and waiting for a response, experiencing delays in seeing how your music performs, and relinquishing control over your artistic creations are all challenges that artists face. However, being an artist in the digital age empowers you to take control and make it on your own terms. So, the question is, should you?

📌 Viberate for Artists: Unite every tool an independent artist needs to maximize their career in one hub — including a free website, music distribution, advancing, playlist & festival pitching, and analytics.

Indie vs. Record Deal: Making the Right Choice

The indie vs. record deal debate has been ongoing for some time. While independent artists have been making significant waves, it doesn’t mean a record deal won’t work for everyone. However, achieving a viable record deal often requires a level of artistic autonomy that may not be realistically attainable, especially when you’re just starting your career.

Embrace the Power of Independent Music Distribution

With physical song distribution becoming less relevant, the key to getting your music out there lies in delivering it to the right digital service providers (DSPs) with digital music distribution service. Although the number of platforms may seem overwhelming, it’s important to note that the six major platforms — Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tencent, and YouTube — capture more than 80% of the global music streaming market. At Viberate, we ensure that your music reaches the most relevant DSPs, including the big six, as well as 34 other crucial platforms. By leveraging this extensive distribution network, you can connect with your existing fans across various platforms and expand your fanbase worldwide. All you need to provide is your music and artwork. We recommend submitting your release at least two weeks prior to your intended release date to allow ample time for us and the DSPs to process and make your music available on schedule.

Release promotion made easy!

Traditionally, release promotion was seen as the domain of record labels. However, artists now have a wealth of options available to them, making release campaigns much less intimidating and more manageable. By maintaining a strong presence on social media and utilizing accessible tools, artists can authentically promote their music in a way that no marketing team can match. Furthermore, DSPs have opened their channels to receive direct promotional pitches, empowering artists to take charge of their release promotion. To simplify audience targeting and enhance your promotional efforts, our song distribution dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of your fanbase, along with free promotional tools such as pre-save and share links.

Unleash the Power of Data

In the past, record labels would provide artists with a .csv file every few months, revealing which tracks performed best, which platforms attracted the most listeners, and where fans were located. Unfortunately, this information often came too late to rectify any mistakes in targeting the wrong markets. With Viberate’s song distribution dashboard, you have real-time access to monitor your track performance. You can analyze your streams and downloads by platform and country, gain insights into your royalties, compare tracks, and even get a listener breakdown by country. This data empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies to maximize your music’s reach.

Get Paid Quickly and Transparently

With Viberate for Artists, you retain 100% of your royalties. Every penny your tracks generate goes directly to you and any collaborators you designate. While royalties typically take 3 to 6 months to process from the end of the sales month, this delay is necessary to ensure accurate accounting and attribution. Once the processing is complete, you can easily access your earnings from the payments page and request a withdrawal. Moreover, Viberate for Artists covers the entire distribution cost under the Premium plan, so there are no hidden charges for distributing multiple tracks or assigning splits. You can distribute as many releases and tracks as you like, and collaborators can claim their royalties directly from the platform without any additional fees, except for those imposed by the payment provider (Wise or PayPal).

Viberate for Artists: Empowering Your Music Journey

Whether you choose to go independent all the way or pursue a record deal in the future, Viberate for Artists is your ultimate companion in getting your music on every platform that matters. You have the freedom to decide where and when you want your music to be available, and who should be compensated. Real-time analytics enable you to track the performance of your music, identify your listeners, and monitor your earnings. With Viberate taking care of distribution and data insights, you can focus on what matters most — making music.

Viberate for Artists: Unite every tool an independent artist needs to maximize their career in one hub — including a free website, music distribution, advancing, playlist & festival pitching, and analytics.
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