From “Can” to “Fan”

Here’s how last month’s ideas became this month’s results.

Matej Gregorčič
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Our business is not just about exploring what we “can” do, but about constantly thinking about what we “could” do next.

📌 Viberate Analytics: Professional music analytics suite at an unbeatable price: $9.90/mo. Charts, talent discovery tools, plus Spotify, TikTok, and other channel-specific analytics of every artist out there.

🔬 What we focused on:


With spring cleaning in high gear everywhere, we spruced up our work in several areas as well. One such is researching music festival recovery. So if you’re a festival organizer and you’d like to contribute to our study, please do. We’ll make it worth your while with a gift — access to our analytics.

If you’re a festival organizer, take our survey 👉 HERE.

🥋 What we accomplished:

#1 Certified the first class of Viberate analytics users at IMS IBIZA

After a two-year hiatus, the International Music Summit returned to Ibiza — and so did we!

As the official Data Partner, we had the privilege to host a hands-on workshop on using music data analytics. The result: the first class of officially certified Viberate analytics users! We were super happy to see a full room, as this proves that the industry is finally embracing data work.

We also provided the data for the annual IMS Industry report, which was presented by our friend David Boyle. If you want to dig into it and explore the latest trends in genre popularity and music consumption, download the report here.

#2 Compared data verdicts vs. Grammy results

Naturally, we took the annual opportunity to crunch the numbers for a couple of Grammy categories in order to see how the popularity data compared to the committee verdicts.

Our findings, especially the Metal-related part, sparked heated online debates and also resulted in a couple of hilariously worded articles.

Here’s Vasja’s opinion on the subject, with links to all key analyses.

#3 Boosted the platform’s speed and talent-finding functionalities

Every artist chart now comes with handy filters that make finding talent faster (the increased search speed also helps). You can filter out, say, artists with a specific Spotify following and work from there. All your custom charts can also be saved simply by clicking the “Save Chart” button.

Our price plans changed mid-April as well. Despite an increased price, the Premium plan remains the most competitive plan on the market by far, providing superior quality data.

💡 What we learned:

When discussing audience strategies in our latest webinar, David shared a great thought about using data insights to grow both audiences and ideas. Successfully evolving artists are constantly looking for “the next audience”, and festivals grow by booking acts who bring in such “next” audiences.

I believe this kind of “can vs. could” thinking works great in everyday life, too, so it will definitely deliver exciting new updates for our May report.

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Viberate Analytics: Professional music analytics suite at an unbeatable price: $9.90/mo. Charts, talent discovery tools, plus Spotify, TikTok, and other channel-specific analytics of every artist out there.
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