How to See Spotify Analytics? Start Here!

Master the art of Spotify with Viberate! Discover how to see Spotify analytics, optimize strategies, and boost your music journey.

Miha Prebil
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readNov 25, 2023


In an era where digital reigns supreme, the right data can be a game-changer, especially in the music realm. How to get Spotify analytics is a question many artists, labels, and managers find themselves asking. With Spotify being a dominant player in music streaming, the insights it offers are invaluable. Viberate’s tools stand out as a beacon for those wanting to deep dive into these analytics, offering unparalleled depth and detail.

📌 Viberate Analytics: Professional music analytics suite at an unbeatable price: $19.90/mo. Charts, talent discovery tools, plus Spotify, TikTok, and other channel-specific analytics of every artist out there.

The Uncharted Depths of Spotify Analytics

Spotify’s platform is not just about streaming; it’s about harnessing data to understand trends, audiences, and artist growth. When you grasp how to see Spotify analytics, you equip yourself with the capability to refine strategies, detect potential opportunities, and establish a formidable presence in the music industry.

Viberate emerges as the ultimate resource, with analytics on over a million artists. Think of it as a Spotify-for-Artists on steroids: tailored explicitly for those who breathe the music business.

Viberate’s Toolbox: A Closer Look

What does Jay Gilbert, the Co-founder of Label Logic, have to say about Viberate’s tools? “A must-have tool for managers, labels, agents, and artists.” This endorsement speaks volumes about the potency of these tools. So, let’s unpack what’s on offer:

  • Streaming Stats Overview: Why limit yourself when you can access streaming data for every artist on Spotify? A staggering 95% of users rate it 5.0, emphasizing its capacity to collate monthly listeners, song performances, and more under one digital roof.
  • Pinpointing Audience Locations: The power to discern where an artist’s monthly listeners originate from can reshape marketing strategies. Viberate’s detailed geographical representation lets you locate the artist audience, making promotional decisions more nuanced and precise.
  • Demystifying Playlist Analytics: Understand the role of playlists in an artist’s Spotify journey. By offering insights into playlist placements, Viberate ensures you’re always a step ahead in the game of discoverability.
  • Dynamic Charts for Scouting Talent: Spot trends, discover emerging artists, and delve into genres or countries of interest. Viberate’s dynamic charts are a treasure trove for those in the hunt for fresh talent.
  • Exhaustive Song Breakdown: Viberate leaves no stone unturned. Analyze every Spotify song, rank them based on performance metrics, and even listen to them seamlessly within the platform.
  • Holistic Spotify Performance Tracker: Beyond mere stream counts, Viberate unravels intricate metrics over time, from listener-to-follower ratios to the streams-to-listener metric.
  • Strategic Collaborations with Spotify Intel: Viberate sheds light on how Spotify uses data analytics to reveal potential collaboration routes. Identify artists with shared fanbase characteristics, and sort them using their monthly listener counts.
  • Analytics Templates to Hit the Ground Running: Viberate simplifies the learning curve. With over 20 distinct templates, tailored for diverse workflows, you’re set to dive into analytics almost instantly.

Practical Use Cases: Maximizing Viberate’s Potential

Data is only as good as the actions derived from it. Viberate’s tools aren’t just about numbers; they’re about shaping real-world strategies. Here are some potential applications:

  • Tailored Promotions: Harness audience geolocation insights to focus promotional campaigns in regions where an artist resonates most.
  • Spotting and Collaborating with New Talent: Using Viberate’s charts, zero in on rising stars or complementary artists for collaborations or event bookings.
  • Optimizing Playlist Strategy: Leverage playlist analytics to prioritize outreach to high-impact playlists and curators.
  • Growth Monitoring and Strategy Refinement: Use the monthly listener tracker to observe growth trajectories and refine upcoming strategies.

In Summary

The digital music landscape is intricate, dynamic, and overflowing with opportunities for those equipped with the right tools. Viberate offers an unparalleled deep dive into Spotify analytics, bridging the gap between data and actionable insights. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a seasoned manager, or a label executive, understanding and leveraging these analytics can redefine your approach to music in the digital age. Dive in, explore, and let Viberate illuminate your musical path.

