Making Every Minute Count

No March madness, but plenty of grandness happened last month.

Matej Gregorčič
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readApr 1, 2021


March was all about springing into action, if you’ll pardon the pun. We rolled out a couple of eagerly awaited features, all directed at a single goal: facilitating quicker work.

📌 Viberate Analytics: Professional music analytics suite at an unbeatable price: $9.90/mo. Charts, talent discovery tools, plus Spotify, TikTok, and other channel-specific analytics of every artist out there.

🔬 What we focused on:

Making life easier

Having tons of ideas all the time is great. However, these ideas also need to work for people. The “human value” we try to pursue is saving people’s time and effort, both by introducing new, simple ways of doing research and by improving on existing ones. March was nicely balanced that way.

🥋 What we accomplished:

#1 Introduced the Compare feature

We became the first music analytics platform to introduce a tool dedicated specifically to comparing artists side by side. High fives all around!

With our Compare feature, you get to select any two music artists out there and compare their key online metrics, such as fanbase size, channel growth and engagement rates, basic audience stats, insights into their Spotify and Beatport performance … really everything that a music professional needs for quick research and evaluation.

#2 Tweaked the venue Pages

To ensure a complete platform experience, the layout of Artist, Venue and Festival pages is even more uniform now. While we all wait for “the real deals” to open up once we tame the virus, go try the new Pages out.

#3 Rolled out the Beatport tracks chart

Every track released on Beatport can now be evaluated in one handy chart.

For more in-depth research, the chart can be sorted by genre, Viberate performance points, days on charts (specific genre or general), and timeframe. Designed with artists and label managers in mind, this chart will make evaluating a track’s success much simpler. A more detailed article about the update will be coming soon.

💡 What we learned:

Success is too often equated with luck instead of hard work. Put the complicated stuff first and get through it, and it’s going to be much smoother sailing from there. Biting the proverbial bullet at the start of a project (or even your entire business development) can save you a lot of future complications, because if done right, you’ve already eliminated unwanted outcomes.

Oh, and while you’re here — something neat is coming up soon, so keep an eye out for cool news in April.

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Viberate Analytics: Professional music analytics suite at an unbeatable price: $9.90/mo. Charts, talent discovery tools, plus Spotify, TikTok, and other channel-specific analytics of every artist out there.
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