Navigate the Industry Like a Pro

Fresh out of the oven & here for your taste-test: our new analytics tool.

Vasja Veber
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readMay 14, 2020


Look, you don’t have to be an undercover robot to enjoy numbers and charts (or at least that’s what we’ve been told). Being well-informed is simply a smart strategy for anything in life. While listening to hot gossip at album launch parties is a sure-fire way to learn a thing or two about the industry, real data is still a more reliable source of info.

Now, imagine having access to the info of over 100,000 musicians. We’re not talking their home address, of course, but info on their streaming performance, their Instagram likes, popularity charts, the whole online shebang. Done imagining? Because now you can try it out for real.

Enter: Viberate PRO

After months of tinkering, we’re ready for the beta tryouts. Viberate PRO has been designed to bring data-based insights to all the musicians, organizers and their teams out there, and to assist them in making smart business decisions.

What artists gain with Viberate PRO

With insights into fanbases and audiences, artists and their teams can easily monitor performance across different channels, understand their markets better, and manage their careers with solid info. Additional cool features are in the pipeline, but more on that later.

What’s in it for the organizers?

Organizers can gain insights into artists’ chart positions and popularity, and compare them to other similar artists more easily. Like a cool wingman for the organizer’s intuition, Viberate PRO will help them score the best match for an upcoming gig.

Go on, try it.

Get in our beta roster!

If you’d like to be the first to take the new Viberate PRO out for a spin, go apply for early access. We’ll make it worth your while.

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