Nominations, Celebrations and Webinar Rotations

Is No-Nonsense-November a thing? Because we definitely smashed it.

Matej Gregorčič
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readDec 1, 2020


Shhh, can you hear it? Out in the distance? It’s the sound of millions of Christmas playlists warming up to celebrate Mariah Carey emerging from her yearly slumber.

And just like Ms. Carey, we too ended November on a high note. Jokes aside, let’s see the short recap.

We got nominated for Startup of the Year! 🎉

Central European Startup Awards recognized us as Slovenian finalists in the category due to our status as a “high growth potential startup”.

Public votes are open, so be sure to cast your vote for us. It’s what Mariah would’ve wanted (OK, OK, no more Mariah jokes, I promise).

👉 Vote for us here 👈

New & improved: Beatport Charts & Audience analytics

We launched a couple of improvements to our Viberate analytics. First were the Audience analytics, an extremely useful feature for artists and label executives alike. Check it out:

Then there are Beatport Charts, a feature for all Beatport enthusiasts out there. Besides tracking performance, the charts offer a variety of discoveries. Simply browse by countries, Beatport genres, timeframes… and read a short introduction right here.

Did you know “webinar” is an anagram of “wine bar”? 🍷

And it’s lockdown-friendly, too! We served up a bunch of cool sessions covering all the different ways you can use Viberate analytics, and got some great feedback. A big “thank you” to everyone who attended!

The show and tell that’s ready to sell.

If you’re curious about all the new stuff we’ve put out, come join us for a special webinar with UMEK in which he and Vasja will share valuable tips and tricks for turning Beatport insights to your advantage.

📅 Save a spot in UMEK’s webinar

And speaking of “Fotr”…

UMEK reclaims the Techno throne with the help of data

Still need proof of the benefits of analytics? UMEK has it in spades. Did you know he made one of the biggest Techno comebacks in years by using data insights?

Check out the story — it also has a neat “chart race” video for all you visual types out there.

That wraps up November! Stick around before the holiday season as we’ll be joining Santa in bringing you awesome stuff. Yes, even if you’ve been naughty. We don’t judge.

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