Roger Ver Digs the Slovenian Crypto Scene

Vasja Veber
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readJun 17, 2019
Viberate founders having a chat with Roger Ver ( in front of our music wall of fame

It’s a well known fact that crypto in Slovenia is much closer to mainstream adoption that anywhere in the world. One of the pros of being a pocket country of only 2 million people, is that news spreads fast and everyone and their mother knew about Bitcoin, Ether and ICOs in early 2017.

Although the bear market cooled down the overall hype about crypto, companies that raised money through the ICO stayed afloat and many of them are working hard to develop their projects. Viberate and Eligma in particular, drew the attention of Roger Ver, the face of Bitcoin Cash.

Roger visited Slovenia twice in a short period of time and the reason for this was Eligma, a fintech startup, co-founded also by Viberate’s CEO Matej, that developed a popular crypto-to-fiat payment system Elipay. Besides sharing our CEO with the team, we also share our office building and our positive policy towards office dogs that love to play together, knocking over trash cans and office flowers in the process.

Elipay is truly bringing crypto to the masses and currently Slovenia leads the way with hundreds of retail businesses that are accepting crypto payments through their payment processor. You can buy almost everything with it: from Apple products, to coffee and even groceries in one of Europe’s biggest shopping malls. Elipay is also being integrated into Viberate Tonight and currently you can see which venues are accepting their solution.

Elipay integration into Viberate Tonight

Such penetration of crypto into the mainstream is hard to ignore and team were at first surprised how such a small country managed to launch itself on the top of crypto-friendly countries. In fact, they loved it so much, they sent over their film crew to shoot a mini-documentary about it, also including a few shots from the educational event for the government, we organized in our offices some time ago:

