Solved: Why Can’t I Pitch My Song to Spotify? Tips Inside!

Learn why you can’t pitch your song to Spotify and explore Viberate’s solution for playlist pitching.

Denis Calakovic
Viberate — Music Data Company
4 min readMay 9, 2024


Navigating the Spotify platform can be a challenging endeavor for many artists, particularly when it comes to understanding why can’t I pitch my song to Spotify and making their music heard on curated playlists. This article, aims to demystify this process and introduce the innovative Viberate Spotify playlist pitching tool, designed to support independent artists in their journey to music promotion success.

📌 Viberate for Artists: All your first-party streaming stats without switching tools. With data-driven music website and Spotify playlist pitching.

The Power of Spotify Playlists in Music Promotion

In today’s digital age, being featured on Spotify’s curated playlists is a golden opportunity for artists. It’s a powerful way to increase your music’s exposure, boost your stream counts, and consequently, grow your fan base and revenue. The importance of playlists in the music promotion landscape cannot be overstated, but the path to getting your music featured is often fraught with challenges.

Common Challenges in Playlist Pitching

Understanding Spotify’s criteria and guidelines is essential in this process. A notable point to remember is that releases with four or more main artists are categorized as compilations by Spotify, which restricts your ability to pitch these songs. Moreover, the opportunity to pitch a song is exclusive to main artists. If you’re featured on a track but not listed as a main artist, you won’t be able to submit it for playlist consideration.

Viberate for Artists: All your first-party streaming stats without switching tools. With data-driven music website and Spotify playlist pitching.

Introducing the Viberate Spotify Playlist Pitching Tool

Here’s where the Viberate Spotify playlist pitching tool comes into play. This tool serves as a personal Spotify promotion service for artists, offering access to over 2 million Spotify playlists. These playlists are carefully ranked by their popularity, ensuring that your music finds its place in lists that best suit your genre, mood, and stage in your music career.

How the Viberate Tool Elevates Your Music

  • Access to a Comprehensive Chart of Spotify Playlists: Viberate has an extensive database of over 12 million Spotify playlists, ranked by popularity metrics such as follower count and recent follower growth.
  • Tailored Shortlist Creation: The tool allows you to filter playlists by various parameters, including genre, subgenre, playlist type, popularity, and track release dates. This helps in creating a targeted shortlist that aligns with your music style.
  • Direct Pitching to Playlist Curators: One of the standout features of the Viberate tool is the ability to directly contact Spotify playlist curators. This feature is invaluable as it is not limited to new releases, offering broader possibilities for promoting your music.
  • Comprehensive Performance Monitoring: The tool enables you to track the performance of your playlisted songs. This includes detailed insights into your reach over time, top-performing playlists, and the overall impact of your playlisted tracks.

The Added Advantage of Viberate

In addition to these features, Viberate integrates with ‘Spotify for Artists’ stats, providing a holistic view of your music’s performance. This includes insights into your most playlisted songs, the playlists that are bringing you the most listeners and streams, and the evolution of your playlist reach over time. Viberate enriches these stats with additional streaming data, offering a robust foundation for planning your music promotion strategies.


Entering the realm of Spotify playlists may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and tools, it is a highly achievable goal. The Viberate Spotify playlist pitching tool is more than just a utility; it’s a comprehensive solution that empowers artists at every step of their music promotion journey.

Understanding the intricacies of Spotify’s playlist pitching process is key. With Viberate, artists are equipped to navigate these challenges effectively and confidently. By targeting the right playlists and adhering to Spotify’s guidelines, your music has the potential to reach new heights.

Embrace the opportunity to transform your Spotify playlist pitching experience with Viberate and propel your music career forward!

Viberate for Artists: All your first-party streaming stats without switching tools. With data-driven music website and Spotify playlist pitching.

