Spotify channel isn’t mandatory anymore on Viberate

Matic Magister
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readNov 3, 2017

From today on you can add new bands, singers and DJs to one of the world’s leading database of musicians,, without a valid Spotify link. The decision was made after a series of requests from users, who wanted to add new profiles of musicians, who didn’t have an official Spotify channel, but the system refused the entry.

Spotify defines who is a musician and who is not. That’s why we made this entry mandatory. But the fact is that Viberate is aimed mostly towards giving unknown talent a chance to step into the spotlight and it often happens they don’t have their own channel on Spotify. With that in mind we are now removing this request and we’ll see what will happen. We hope actors, comedians, writers and other non-musician artists won’t start popping up, because this will give our database curation team a headache.

The update came right before our next major product release — the introduction of blockchain-based rewarding system, where we will reward contributors for their work with VIB tokens. This means that those users who will add new profiles, curate existing ones or promote the service online, will earn tokens. It’s a great way to give back to the community that helps building the world’s biggest live music ecosystem.

