The only good spam is no spam

Matic Magister
Viberate — Music Data Company
1 min readFeb 2, 2018

Who likes spam? Nobody. And we’re no exception. Although we rely on the social media channels to get our message out and spread our word (and VIBs), the posted content can quickly turn from talked-about to talked-badly-about.

Spamming is just bad. Bad for the followers and supporters, bad for consumers, bad for our brand’s image — it decreases the effect of our objectives and damages our credibility. Our spam sensors are, therefore, always on high alert and lately, we’ve noticed a rise in it on our social media channels. To build a strong and genuine social media presence, we at Viberate have to make sure our communication is as clean and spam-free as possible.

Therefore, we’ve fine-tuned our promotion rules and prepared a general promotion guide to ensure that only the content of the highest quality gets to be shared with our audience. And the more relevant and valuable the content, the greater the chance for promoters to receive greater rewards. Sounds good? Then click on the link below and get to know the dos and don’ts of promoting Viberate!

Viberate Promotion Guide

